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Las Cruces (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
n., II., 346. Salkahatchie, S. C., III., 32. Salm-Salm, Prince Felix: I., 311; V., 212. Salomon, F., X., 309. Saltpeter: reserve supply of, V., 144. Saltville, Va., III., 332, 340. Sam, horse of Gen'l Sherman, IV., 36. Samaria Church, Va., III., 324. Sambo's right to be Kilt, C. G. Halpine, IX., 173, 176. Samuel Orr,, U. S. S., VI., 310. San Antonio, Texas: V., 166; VII., 30; VIII., 70. San Augustine Springs, N. Mex. (see Fort Fillmore, N. Mex.), I., 350. San Jacinto,, U. S. S.: I., 354; VI., 125, 291, 310. San Lucas Spring, Texas, VII, 30. Sanborn., J. B., L, 147. Sanborn, W, X., 217. Sand battery on Gulf Coast Viii., 161. Sand-bag fortifications of Confederates at Yorktown, Va., I., 265. Sanders, Capt. C. S. A., VII., 123. Sanders, W. P., II., 316; X., 139. Sanders, W. W., I., 147. Sanderson, J. M., VI., 45, 55. Sandersville, Ga., III., 338. Sands, B.
Saulsbury (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
rt, La. (see also Fort St. Philip, La.): I., 226, 227, 228, 230, 234. St. Pierre, Martinique, VI., 293. St. Thomas' Church, New York City, X., 15. Salamis, I., 30. Salem, Ark., I., 358. Salem, Mo., I., 354. Salem, Va., III., 321. Salem, Chapel, Va. , V fight at, IX., 193. Salem Church, Va.: III., 322; X., 138. Salem Heights. Va. II., 334. Saline River, Ark., II., 352. Salisbury. N. C.: VI, 40, 88, 92, 114, 126, 142, 14. Salisbury, Tenn., II., 346. Salkahatchie, S. C., III., 32. Salm-Salm, Prince Felix: I., 311; V., 212. Salomon, F., X., 309. Saltpeter: reserve supply of, V., 144. Saltville, Va., III., 332, 340. Sam, horse of Gen'l Sherman, IV., 36. Samaria Church, Va., III., 324. Sambo's right to be Kilt, C. G. Halpine, IX., 173, 176. Samuel Orr,, U. S. S., VI., 310. San Antonio, Texas: V., 166; VII., 30; VIII., 70. San Augustine Springs, N. Mex. (see F
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): chapter 19
be Kilt, C. G. Halpine, IX., 173, 176. Samuel Orr,, U. S. S., VI., 310. San Antonio, Texas: V., 166; VII., 30; VIII., 70. San Augustine Springs, N. Mex. (see Fort Fillmore, N. Mex.), I., 350. San Jacinto,, U. S. S.: I., 354; VI., 125, 291, 310. San Lucas Spring, Texas, VII, 30. Sanborn., J. B.,N. Mex.), I., 350. San Jacinto,, U. S. S.: I., 354; VI., 125, 291, 310. San Lucas Spring, Texas, VII, 30. Sanborn., J. B., L, 147. Sanborn, W, X., 217. Sand battery on Gulf Coast Viii., 161. Sand-bag fortifications of Confederates at Yorktown, Va., I., 265. Sanders, Capt. C. S. A., VII., 123. Sanders, W. P., II., 316; X., 139. Sanders, W. W., I., 147. Sanderson, J. M., VI., 45, 55. Sandersville, Ga., III.er, W. D., I., 248. Sanitary Commission (see United States Sanitary Commission), VII., 17 seq. Sanitation: work of, in camp, VIII., 231. Santa Fe, N. Mex., I., 360. Santa Rosa, Fla., I., 352. Santa Rosa Island, Fla.: VI., 111; VIII., 156. Santee,, U. S. S.: I., 354; VI., 44, 45, 268, 310. San
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
I. 81, 348; III., 121. Sturgis, T., VII., 18. Sturnbaugh, F. S., X., 291. Submarines origin of, in civil war, VI., 266, 267; first Confederate, VI., 274. Subsistence, expenditures for, VIII., 46. Such is the death the soldier Dies, R. B. Wilson, IX., 76. Sudley Church, Va., I., 155. Sudley Ford, Va.: I, 141, 152, 154, 157; II., 51. Sudley Road, Va., I., 154. Sudley Spring, Va., II., 41. Sudley Sulphur Spring House, Va., I., 155. Suffolk, Va.: siege of, II., 332, 334. Sugar Creek, Ark., I., 358. Sugar Loaf, Md., VIII., 319, 324. Sullivan, J., VI., 267. Sullivan, J. C.: II., 154; III., 324; X., 203. Sullivan's Island. Charleston Harbor, S. C.: I., 103; VI., 106, 140, 179; Confederate officers at, VIII., 115. Sulphur and saltpeter: lack of, in North, V., V, 144. Sulphur Springs, W. Va.: II., 19; skirmish at, II., 322; bridge it, III., 328. Sultana,, U. S. S., I., 108 seq. Summ
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
., 62, 320; IV., 11, 16, 20, 21, 24, 29, 32, 34, 36, 38, 41, 43, 53, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 83, 85, 86, 88, 89, 92, 93, 96, 100, 106, 108; grave of, IV., 109 seq., 116, 120, 124; death of, at Yellow Tavern, Va., IV., 125, 127, 171, 193, 213, 226, 234, 236, 240, 262, 263, 265 seq., 266 seq., 268, 324; V., 37; VII., 195; cavalry of, reviewed by Gen'l Lee, VIII., 124, 196, 246, 254, 295, 319; IX., 83, 85; X., 62, 145, 252. Sturges, H. L., VI., 312. Sturges rifle Corps, Chicago, Ill. , VIII., 4. Sturgis. S. D.: II. 81, 348; III., 121. Sturgis, T., VII., 18. Sturnbaugh, F. S., X., 291. Submarines origin of, in civil war, VI., 266, 267; first Confederate, VI., 274. Subsistence, expenditures for, VIII., 46. Such is the death the soldier Dies, R. B. Wilson, IX., 76. Sudley Church, Va., I., 155. Sudley Ford, Va.: I, 141, 152, 154, 157; II., 51. Sudley Road, Va., I., 154. Sudley Spring, Va., II., 41. Sudley Sul
Snow Hill, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
II., 348; III., 330; VI., 320. Smithsbury, Md., II., 340. Smyrna Camp ground, Ga., L, 353. Smyrna or Nickajack Creek, Ga., III., 326. Smyth, Sarah A. X., 2. Smyth, T. A.: III., 77; VIII., 102; X., 135. Snake Creek Ix., 95. Snake Creek Gap, Ga.: III., 108, 109. Fort Snelling, Minn. (see also Fort Snelling, Minn.), I., 147. Snickers Ferry, Va., III., 148. Snickers Gap, Va., III., 326, 328. Snodgrass Hill, Ga., II., 282. Snow Hill, Tenn., II., 332. Snyder, J. M., X., 292. Snyder's Bluff, Miss., II., 350. Snyder's Mill, Miss., II., 214. Society of the Army of the Potomac Ix., 218. Soldiers' life, preface to, VIII., 11. Soldier par excellence, IV., 272. Soldiers: Union, outside the prison, VII., 67; who escaped, VII., 137 seq.; discharged, care of, by sanitary commission, VII., 340; of fortune, foreign, VIII., 76; Confederate types of, VIII., 123; number of, at close of war, VII
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
2 seq., 185, 187 seq., 214 seq., 222, 356, 362, 366; VI, 214, 216, 220, 222, 312. St. Marcus, castle of, St. Augustine, Fla., II., 347. St. Mark's River, Fla., VI, 314. St. Mary's River, Fla., II., 350. St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. , VII., 234. St. Peter's Church, Va.: church in which Washington was married, IX., 228. St. Philip, Fort, La. (see also Fort St. Philip, La.): I., 226, 227, 228, 230, 234. St. Pierre, Martinique, VI., 293. St. Thomane, foreign, VIII., 76; Confederate types of, VIII., 123; number of, at close of war, VIII., 132; digging potatoes, VIII., 198; age of, at enlistment, IX., 67; cemeteries, IX., 269, 281, 283; mustered out men, IX., 339. Soldiers' Rest, Alexandria, Va., VII., 331. Solferino, losses at, X., 10. Solomon's Gap, Md., III., 326. Somerset, Ky. (see also Mill Springs, Ky.): I., 356; II., 332; VIII., 229. Somerset,, U. S. S., VI, 314. Somerville Heights, Va., L, 362.
Sewell's Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
337; military result of, I., 338, 340, 342, 366; IV., 238; V., 33, 66; VII., 233; VIII., 346, 382; IX., 75, 79, 144; fighting around Richmond, X., 64, 142; losses at, X., 142, 156. Seven Pines, Va. (see also Fair Oaks, Va.): I., 122, 282, 288, 291, 292, 364; V., 304, 314; VII., 102; battle of, IX., 59. Seventh Street Road, D. C., V., 94, 106. Seward, W. H.: VI., 25; VII., 192; quoted, VII., 196, 205; attempt at assassination of, VII., 211; VIII., 94, 278; X., 12. Sewell's Point, Va.: VI., 164, 165, 172, 180; Confederate battery at, VI., 308, 314. Sexton, J. A., X., 296. Sexton, J. W., VII, 17. Seymour, T.: III., 42, 50; X., 307. Seymour,, U. S. S.: I., 356; III., 318. Shackleford, J. M.: II., 340, 342, 344, 348. Shafter, W. R., X., 215. Shaler, A.: III., 50; X., 227. Sham battle near Missionary Ridge, Tenn., VIII., 205. Shanly, C. D., IX., 22. Sharp, J. H., X., 275. Sharpe, G. H.: horses of, I
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
his men, VIII., 262-263, 268; of the Federal army, VIII., 266 seq.; organization, Federal, VIII., 266; agents' work, VIII., 272; usefulness, instances of, VIII., 278-282, 288, 296, 300, 304; headquarters of, VIII., 283; house occupied by, at City Point, Va., VIII., 283; difference between scouts and spies, VIII., 284; of the Confederacy, VIII., 285 seq.: organization, Confederate, VIII., 286; Federal, VIII., 302; Federal, excellence of, VIII., 302. (See also Military Information, Scouts, Spy.) , 246; VI., 80, 122, 125, 293, 308. Sunter,, U. S. S.: I., 2:7; II., 198; VI., 224. Supplies: difficulties encountered in obtaining, VIII., 30, 32; U. S. army, VIII., 32;, for the Army of West, VIII., 34: White Hose, VIII., 39; at City Point, Va., VIII., 39; Tennessee River, VIII., 39. Supply departments Viii., 44. Supply wagons Viii., 53. Surgeons: of the Civil War, neutrality of, in the treatment of sick and wounded, VII., 13; supplies of, at Washington, D. C., VII
Wheatland (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
Marcus, castle of, St. Augustine, Fla., II., 347. St. Mark's River, Fla., VI, 314. St. Mary's River, Fla., II., 350. St. Paul's Church, Alexandria, Va. , VII., 234. St. Peter's Church, Va.: church in which Washington was married, IX., 228. St. Philip, Fort, La. (see also Fort St. Philip, La.): I., 226, 227, 228, 230, 234. St. Pierre, Martinique, VI., 293. St. Thomas' Church, New York City, X., 15. Salamis, I., 30. Salem, Ark., I., 358. Salem, Mo., I., 354. Salem, Va., III., 321. Salem, Chapel, Va. , V fight at, IX., 193. Salem Church, Va.: III., 322; X., 138. Salem Heights. Va. II., 334. Saline River, Ark., II., 352. Salisbury. N. C.: VI, 40, 88, 92, 114, 126, 142, 14. Salisbury, Tenn., II., 346. Salkahatchie, S. C., III., 32. Salm-Salm, Prince Felix: I., 311; V., 212. Salomon, F., X., 309. Saltpeter: reserve supply of, V., 144. Saltville, Va., III., 332, 340.
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