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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23.,
Medford turnpike
Corporation. (search)
t four rods wide; and thence the same course seventy-one rods and six links to land of John Tufts, and here the road is laid out six rods wide; and thence the same course over the land of said Tufts, and partly over the land of the heirs of Timothy Tufts, Jr., forty-seven rods and eight links to land of William Stearns, and here the road is laid out six rods wide; and thence over land of said Stearns and partly over land of Benjamin Frothingham, Jr., forty-four rods, and here the road is laid ouhis land for said road as follows, viz.: To the heirs of Isaac Royall, late of Medford, deceased, $2,390.00; the heirs of Thomas Russell, late of Boston, deceased, $65.50; Elias Haskett Derby, $2,362.00; John Tufts, $550.00; the heirs of Timothy Tufts, Jr., late of Charlestown, deceased, $1.00; Dr. William Stearns, $910.00; Benjamin Frothingham, Jr., $62.50; Samuel Swan, $105.00; Andrew Kettle, $150.00; William Smith, $635.00; making a total of $7,231.00. January 26, 1804, a committee was
gnize its foreground as the present Moore square. The third meeting-house, at the extreme left, was torn down in 1839, the year of Mr. Barber's publication, and stood on the site of present Unitarian church. The second meeting-house (site of Page & Curtin's store) and the Andrew Hall house (now standing) are in the center, backed by Pasture hill, on the slope of which is the Hall summer-house. Next in prominence is the town hall, the great sycamores across the street from it, and the old Dr. Tufts house. Stretching backward is a veritable forest—Forest street—and in the extreme right the Universalist meeting-house. The river and a schooner with sails set is also in evidence, but we look in vain for the branch canal which crossed the vacant space in the left lower corner of this view. The four-horse team is significant; but the artist should have made the turn in the fence behind the big wagon, and shown Main street extending to the town hall instead of to the left of the old meet
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 23., The Touro house and its owner. (search)
. These were beneficial in the end to the public, but whether they yielded dividends we say not. But Mr. Touro was public-spirited and entered into them. His chief income was from his merchandise overseas. The Touro mansion in Medford was near present Touro avenue, and his shipyard towards the river, and his lands reached wellnigh to the Medford Hillside Railroad station and towards, but not including, some of the campus of Tufts College. In his day he little dreamed of the vision of Mr. Tufts putting a light upon the bleak pasture lands of Walnut Hill. Oliver Wiswall. Rev. Anson Titus. To this we will add that the Medford turnpike and Middlesex canal paid dividends for a time. As to Mr. Touro's shipyard or vessels he had built in Medford—we fail to find even the slightest mention of any such in that long list compiled by Rev. Augustus Baker in 1846. Yet, Mr. Touro, with his wealth, may have been a silent partner in that great Medford business of a century ago. As said