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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) 24 0 Browse Search
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William D. Totty 20 0 Browse Search
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January, 11 AD (search for this): article 1
ng is a dispatch from Senator Toombs to Hon. L. M. Keitt: Macon,Nov. 14, 1860 To Hon. L. M. Keitt:I will sustain South Carolina in secession. I have announced to the Legislature that I will not serve under Lincoln. If you have the power to act, act at once. We have bright prospects here. R. Toombs. The Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist says: Very large amounts of specie for Georgia banks are being daily received, and we are reliably informed that, since the first of November, about one million of dollars in gold has been received by the banks in Savannah and Augusta alone, and the tide of gold flowing into their vaults is as full and continuous now as at any time since the first of the month. The letter from Gov. Perry, of Florida, to Gov. Gist, informs him that Florida is ready to call a Convention as soon as it is known that a majority of the electoral votes are for Lincoln. The following dispatches are from the Philadelphia Pennsylvanian:
A. J. Bowers (search for this): article 1
uthern Rights — State Rights." "South Carolina, Right or Wrong" "Trust in God and keep year Powder Dry." "One at a Time." "December 17th--Our Future 4th of July." "No Faltering Now" "Take no Step Backward." A Palmetto Tree, with "1776" and "1860." A large one, borne by four men, had the following; On the front a Star, with the words-- "Alone, if we must." "Now or Never." on the rear. A large transparency had the following mottoes: "Euchre--South Carolina Plays it Alone." "Her Right and Left Bowers. Georgia and Florida." "Her Trumps, Magrath, Colcock, Colner." "With these she claims a March." The engine-house of the Palmetto Company, which was illuminated, was saluted with three hearty cheers in passing. A similar tribute was paid to the house of the Independents on the top of which was a transparency, with fourteen stars on one end, and one on the other, with the motto, "The Union of the South, or South Carolina alone." surmounted by a Palmetto flag. Cheers were also given in
April, 7 AD (search for this): article 1
er the Minute Men returned to their Hall, a resolution of thanks to their escort was offered, which was adopted with a unanimous shout that startled the opera audience in the hall below. The following are among the mottoes on the transparencies in the procession:"Animis Opibusque Parati. " "Death, rather than dishonor." "Southern Action." "Southern Rights — State Rights." "South Carolina, Right or Wrong" "Trust in God and keep year Powder Dry." "One at a Time." "December 17th--Our Future 4th of July." "No Faltering Now" "Take no Step Backward." A Palmetto Tree, with "1776" and "1860." A large one, borne by four men, had the following; On the front a Star, with the words-- "Alone, if we must." "Now or Never." on the rear. A large transparency had the following mottoes: "Euchre--South Carolina Plays it Alone." "Her Right and Left Bowers. Georgia and Florida." "Her Trumps, Magrath, Colcock, Colner." "With these she claims a March." The engine-house of the Palmetto Company, which w
William C. Wood (search for this): article 1
. Business is at a complete stand still in that city, where more is usually done than here. Two prominent Southern houses to-day received advices from Boston that they could have no credit as desired, and cash must be had for sales. Wm. C. Wood, a graduate of Harvard College, has arrived in Boston, in the steamer South Carolina, from Charleston. He was civilly requested to leave the State, and his passage paid to that port. Mr. Wood was in South Carolina to fulfill an engagement asMr. Wood was in South Carolina to fulfill an engagement as a school teacher in the Boonville district. The Collector of the Port of Charleston has deemed it necessary to contradict certain rumors in circulation respecting the business at that office. The following is a dispatch received by Collector Schell, of New York: Charleston,Nov. 13th, 1860. To A. Schell, Collector: It is reported that Clearances are refused at this office. Contradict. The business of the office goes on as usual. W. F.Colcock. The reported conduct of the Captai
A. Schell (search for this): article 1
school teacher in the Boonville district. The Collector of the Port of Charleston has deemed it necessary to contradict certain rumors in circulation respecting the business at that office. The following is a dispatch received by Collector Schell, of New York: Charleston,Nov. 13th, 1860. To A. Schell, Collector: It is reported that Clearances are refused at this office. Contradict. The business of the office goes on as usual. W. F.Colcock. The reported conduct of the Captain oA. Schell, Collector: It is reported that Clearances are refused at this office. Contradict. The business of the office goes on as usual. W. F.Colcock. The reported conduct of the Captain of the steamer Keystone State, at Charleston, was much exaggerated. He did not haul down the American and hoist the Palmetto flag, but merely saluted the Carolina flag by dipping his colors. [by Telegraph] Charleston, Nov. 16--A large Palmetto tree was erected yesterday evening in front of Institute Hall. An immense meeting was help in welcome of the legislators from this city, who returned from Columbia yesterday. Facing the speakers' stand was a transparency, on which was inscrib
R. W. Gardin (search for this): article 1
learances are refused at this office. Contradict. The business of the office goes on as usual. W. F.Colcock. The reported conduct of the Captain of the steamer Keystone State, at Charleston, was much exaggerated. He did not haul down the American and hoist the Palmetto flag, but merely saluted the Carolina flag by dipping his colors. [by Telegraph] Charleston, Nov. 16--A large Palmetto tree was erected yesterday evening in front of Institute Hall. An immense meeting was help in welcome of the legislators from this city, who returned from Columbia yesterday. Facing the speakers' stand was a transparency, on which was inscribed, "Well done, good and faithful servants." Mayor Macbeth presided, and made a fine speech. R. W. Gardin, Senator Porter and others made addresses, which were received with the greatest enthusiasm. Fire-works were abundant and many houses were illuminated. During the day cannons were fired and flags raised bearing Colonial and State mottoes.
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): article 1
not suspend unless for the relief of the community and the defence of the State. A full grown Palmetto tree was transplanted into Broad street this evening, and a large liberty pole was raised to-night on Meeting street. A large number of banners, bearing the device of a Palmetto tree, with a lone star, have been hung out in various parts of the city during the day. Charleston, November 14--12 o'clock, P. M — The feeling of secession grows stronger. Many openly express the fear that Alabama or Georgia will secede before South Carolina holds her Convention, and thus rob her of her long-coveted glory. Some even express the hope that it will not be a peaceful secession, but desire blood to be spilt to cement it forever. The German artillery had a grand celebration this afternoon, several officers of other companies were present in uniform, and all expressed themselves in favor of secession and eager for the fray. The rumor that Breckinridge would visit the South for the pu
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 1
. A large transparency had the following mottoes: "Euchre--South Carolina Plays it Alone." "Her Right and Left Bowers. Georgia and Florida." "Her Trumps, Magrath, Colcock, Colner." "With these she claims a March." The engine-house of the Palmt prospects here. R. Toombs. The Augusta (Ga.) Constitutionalist says: Very large amounts of specie for Georgia banks are being daily received, and we are reliably informed that, since the first of November, about one million of dol, November 14--12 o'clock, P. M — The feeling of secession grows stronger. Many openly express the fear that Alabama or Georgia will secede before South Carolina holds her Convention, and thus rob her of her long-coveted glory. Some even express t had been called to sustain the secession movement in South Carolina. A dispatch from Milledgeville, the capital of Georgia, states the Military Convention which was called a year ago, for the purpose of reorganizing the volunteer system, and w
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
From the South. The South Carolina papers contain many interesting items about the movements in that Staern Action." "Southern Rights — State Rights." "South Carolina, Right or Wrong" "Trust in God and keep year Poransparency had the following mottoes: "Euchre--South Carolina Plays it Alone." "Her Right and Left Bowers. Ger, with the motto, "The Union of the South, or South Carolina alone." surmounted by a Palmetto flag. Cheers 4, 1860 To Hon. L. M. Keitt:I will sustain South Carolina in secession. I have announced to the Legislatfear that Alabama or Georgia will secede before South Carolina holds her Convention, and thus rob her of her leen called to sustain the secession movement in South Carolina. A dispatch from Milledgeville, the capitaercion of any State. Washington, Nov. 14.--South Carolina bills are repudiated here to-day in toto. They his passage paid to that port. Mr. Wood was in South Carolina to fulfill an engagement as a school teacher in
Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
From the South. The South Carolina papers contain many interesting items about the movements in that State towards secession. In Columbia, Wednesday night, about four hundred Minute Men paraded with torches. The Carolinian says: They marched through the principal streets amid the shouts of a dense crowd, which lined the entire route. The Independents, a fine, athletic body of men, turned out strong, each man with a torch, and performed escort duty with the precision of veterans. After the Minute Men returned to their Hall, a resolution of thanks to their escort was offered, which was adopted with a unanimous shout that startled the opera audience in the hall below. The following are among the mottoes on the transparencies in the procession:"Animis Opibusque Parati. " "Death, rather than dishonor." "Southern Action." "Southern Rights — State Rights." "South Carolina, Right or Wrong" "Trust in God and keep year Powder Dry." "One at a Time." "December 17th--Our Future 4t
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