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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) 42 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: December 18, 1860., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 12 total hits in 3 results.

Australia (Australia) (search for this): article 3
, the one a banker and the other a liquor merchant, both well-known in business circles, have victimized several business firms in this city and in Philadelphia, to the amount of forty or fifty thousand dollars. and have absconded in company to Australia. The banker obtained about twenty thousand dollars from parties in Philadelphia for investment, upon which he paid regularly 10 per cent, interest, and forwarded to his creditors bogus trust deeds and mortgages with a bogus seal of the Circuites with a bogus seal of the Circuit Court attached, it some instances forging the name of his own father, and run away with the principal.--The liquor merchant obtained between ten and twenty thousand dollars on forged bills of lading, attached to drafts, from a banking firm in this city, and cleared out in company with his friend, leaving the banking firm in the lurch. Both parties sailed from New York, for Australia, a few days since. It is to be hoped that they will land in Botany Bay."
Botany Bay (New South Wales, Australia) (search for this): article 3
rculated in the city that two parties, the one a banker and the other a liquor merchant, both well-known in business circles, have victimized several business firms in this city and in Philadelphia, to the amount of forty or fifty thousand dollars. and have absconded in company to Australia. The banker obtained about twenty thousand dollars from parties in Philadelphia for investment, upon which he paid regularly 10 per cent, interest, and forwarded to his creditors bogus trust deeds and mortgages with a bogus seal of the Circuit Court attached, it some instances forging the name of his own father, and run away with the principal.--The liquor merchant obtained between ten and twenty thousand dollars on forged bills of lading, attached to drafts, from a banking firm in this city, and cleared out in company with his friend, leaving the banking firm in the lurch. Both parties sailed from New York, for Australia, a few days since. It is to be hoped that they will land in Botany Bay."
Chicago (Illinois, United States) (search for this): article 3
Remarkable Rascality in Chicago. --The Chicago Journal says: "The rumor is widely circulated in the city that two parties, the one a banker and the other a liquor merchant, both well-known in business circles, have victimized several business firms in this city and in Philadelphia, to the amount of forty or fifty thousand dollars. and have absconded in company to Australia. The banker obtained about twenty thousand dollars from parties in Philadelphia for investment, upon which he paid regularly 10 per cent, interest, and forwarded to his creditors bogus trust deeds and mortgages with a bogus seal of the Circuit Court attached, it some instances forging the name of his own father, and run away with the principal.--The liquor merchant obtained between ten and twenty thousand dollars on forged bills of lading, attached to drafts, from a banking firm in this city, and cleared out in company with his friend, leaving the banking firm in the lurch. Both parties sailed from New