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Norfolk (Virginia, United States) 24 0 Browse Search
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Found 7 total hits in 3 results.

California (California, United States) (search for this): article 21
Amalgamation Prohibited in California. --A bill introduced into the lower House of the California Legislature, on the 30th of January, to prevent the amalgamation of different races of men, provides that any white person who shall hereafter be convicted of marrying with a negro, mulatto, Chinese or Indian, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both; and that a person who boards or intermarries with any individual of any of said races, shall be primafacie evidence that such a person is not a white citizen, and shall subject him to all constitutional disabilities imposed on persons of color.
China (China) (search for this): article 21
Amalgamation Prohibited in California. --A bill introduced into the lower House of the California Legislature, on the 30th of January, to prevent the amalgamation of different races of men, provides that any white person who shall hereafter be convicted of marrying with a negro, mulatto, Chinese or Indian, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both; and that a person who boards or intermarries with any individual of any of said races, shall be primafacie evidence that such a person is not a white citizen, and shall subject him to all constitutional disabilities imposed on persons of color.
January 30th (search for this): article 21
Amalgamation Prohibited in California. --A bill introduced into the lower House of the California Legislature, on the 30th of January, to prevent the amalgamation of different races of men, provides that any white person who shall hereafter be convicted of marrying with a negro, mulatto, Chinese or Indian, shall be punished by fine or imprisonment, or both; and that a person who boards or intermarries with any individual of any of said races, shall be primafacie evidence that such a person is not a white citizen, and shall subject him to all constitutional disabilities imposed on persons of color.