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ion was gone--seven States had gone — the proudest and most precious of the Confederacy — had consolidated themselves against Black Republicanism.-- He alluded to Lincoln as a misshapen ape, now occupying the pedestal where once stood the great Washington. Gen. Scott was spoken of as an apostate chieftain, in command of troops occunal separation, and never would the spirit of Liberty again find shelter in the corrupt mass that remains. The Southern States would never come back, even though Lincoln and Hamlin are to abdicate, and give the South a carte, blanche for all that she could take. He said this by authority.-- Whether Virginia sides with them or notler, and made allusions of a somewhat different nature to Summers and Rives. The "waiting" policy of Virginia was also descanted upon with sarcastic severity, and Lincoln's Inaugural address came in for a sharp criticism.--The "submissionists" of the Virginia Convention were rebuked by the speaker in scathing terms. He accused the
Roger A. Pryor (search for this): article 1
urch--large delegation from Petersburg — speech by Mr. Pryor, &c. The African Church was crowded last nightin consequence of an announcement that the Hon. Roger A. Pryor would address the people, and we noticed in one of the galleries a goodly number of ladies. Mr. Pryor was greeted with hearty cheers when he entered the housvention, and Mr. Douglas of the State Senate. Mr. Pryor was introduced to the audience by Thos, T. Cropper the remarkable change of sentiment in Petersburg, Mr. Pryor's place of residence. Mr. Pryor labored underMr. Pryor labored under considerable difficulty from hoarseness, but this did not prevent him from taking up the subject of the Nationr the other. Arrival of the Petersburgers. Mr. Pryor was going on to speak of the Black Republican meas newspaper. Order was at length restored, and Mr. Pryor went on with his remarks, paying his Petersburg fre himself would raise the flag of revolution. Mr. Pryor was enthusiastically applauded throughout. We are
e sovereigns were absolutely piled upon, above and around the individual who represented this newspaper. Order was at length restored, and Mr. Pryor went on with his remarks, paying his Petersburg friends a handsome compliment at the outset. The Congressional review was then resumed, and from this he went on to refer to the efforts of Virginia to save the country by inaugurating the Peace Conference, the propositions resulting from which he emphatically repudiated. He complimented Messrs. Seddon and Tyler, and made allusions of a somewhat different nature to Summers and Rives. The "waiting" policy of Virginia was also descanted upon with sarcastic severity, and Lincoln's Inaugural address came in for a sharp criticism.--The "submissionists" of the Virginia Convention were rebuked by the speaker in scathing terms. He accused them of political intrigues, and said that after bargaining away the country they were gambling for the spoils. He denounced the suggestion of a border Sta
T. Cropper (search for this): article 1
nouncement that the Hon. Roger A. Pryor would address the people, and we noticed in one of the galleries a goodly number of ladies. Mr. Pryor was greeted with hearty cheers when he entered the house. The stand was occupied by several distinguished gentlemen, including, the Maryland Commissioner, (whose names are given in our local column) Rev. Geo. W. Carter of Texas, Mr. Morton of the Convention, and Mr. Douglas of the State Senate. Mr. Pryor was introduced to the audience by Thos, T. Cropper, Esq., who in a brief speech, alluded to the remarkable change of sentiment in Petersburg, Mr. Pryor's place of residence. Mr. Pryor labored under considerable difficulty from hoarseness, but this did not prevent him from taking up the subject of the National troubles with his accustomed energy. He said he came to advocate secession — immediate secession and eternal separation. The Union was gone--seven States had gone — the proudest and most precious of the Confederacy — had consol<
ated themselves against Black Republicanism.-- He alluded to Lincoln as a misshapen ape, now occupying the pedestal where once stood the great Washington. Gen. Scott was spoken of as an apostate chieftain, in command of troops occupying the Federal Capital. He thanked God that the Union was gone forever. It was an eternal separation, and never would the spirit of Liberty again find shelter in the corrupt mass that remains. The Southern States would never come back, even though Lincoln and Hamlin are to abdicate, and give the South a carte, blanche for all that she could take. He said this by authority.-- Whether Virginia sides with them or not, they are gone irrecoverably. This was the issue, then, presented to the people. It was for Virginia to decide whether she would be the dependent tail of a Black Republican Confederacy, or the chief of a glorious Southern Confederacy. He maintained that there was no protection for Virginia in the Union. He would rather be dragged at t
of an announcement that the Hon. Roger A. Pryor would address the people, and we noticed in one of the galleries a goodly number of ladies. Mr. Pryor was greeted with hearty cheers when he entered the house. The stand was occupied by several distinguished gentlemen, including, the Maryland Commissioner, (whose names are given in our local column) Rev. Geo. W. Carter of Texas, Mr. Morton of the Convention, and Mr. Douglas of the State Senate. Mr. Pryor was introduced to the audience by Thos, T. Cropper, Esq., who in a brief speech, alluded to the remarkable change of sentiment in Petersburg, Mr. Pryor's place of residence. Mr. Pryor labored under considerable difficulty from hoarseness, but this did not prevent him from taking up the subject of the National troubles with his accustomed energy. He said he came to advocate secession — immediate secession and eternal separation. The Union was gone--seven States had gone — the proudest and most precious of the Confederacy — h<
George W. Carter (search for this): article 1
s a goodly number of ladies. Mr. Pryor was greeted with hearty cheers when he entered the house. The stand was occupied by several distinguished gentlemen, including, the Maryland Commissioner, (whose names are given in our local column) Rev. Geo. W. Carter of Texas, Mr. Morton of the Convention, and Mr. Douglas of the State Senate. Mr. Pryor was introduced to the audience by Thos, T. Cropper, Esq., who in a brief speech, alluded to the remarkable change of sentiment in Petersburg, Mr. Pthusiastically applauded throughout. We are unable, in consequence of the difficulties mentioned above, to give more than a faint outline of his argument.--He spoke about an hour and a half. The crowd manifested a desire to hear from the Rev. Dr. Carter, but the Chairman announced that he declined speaking. He would, however, address the citizens next Monday night. B. B. Douglas, Esq., was then called upon, but he regretted that a severe cold prevented his compliance. Other popular
Timothy Rives (search for this): article 1
d this newspaper. Order was at length restored, and Mr. Pryor went on with his remarks, paying his Petersburg friends a handsome compliment at the outset. The Congressional review was then resumed, and from this he went on to refer to the efforts of Virginia to save the country by inaugurating the Peace Conference, the propositions resulting from which he emphatically repudiated. He complimented Messrs. Seddon and Tyler, and made allusions of a somewhat different nature to Summers and Rives. The "waiting" policy of Virginia was also descanted upon with sarcastic severity, and Lincoln's Inaugural address came in for a sharp criticism.--The "submissionists" of the Virginia Convention were rebuked by the speaker in scathing terms. He accused them of political intrigues, and said that after bargaining away the country they were gambling for the spoils. He denounced the suggestion of a border State Conference, and paid a glowing tribute to the Southern Confederacy, its President,
G. W. H. Tyler (search for this): article 1
re absolutely piled upon, above and around the individual who represented this newspaper. Order was at length restored, and Mr. Pryor went on with his remarks, paying his Petersburg friends a handsome compliment at the outset. The Congressional review was then resumed, and from this he went on to refer to the efforts of Virginia to save the country by inaugurating the Peace Conference, the propositions resulting from which he emphatically repudiated. He complimented Messrs. Seddon and Tyler, and made allusions of a somewhat different nature to Summers and Rives. The "waiting" policy of Virginia was also descanted upon with sarcastic severity, and Lincoln's Inaugural address came in for a sharp criticism.--The "submissionists" of the Virginia Convention were rebuked by the speaker in scathing terms. He accused them of political intrigues, and said that after bargaining away the country they were gambling for the spoils. He denounced the suggestion of a border State Conference,
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): article 1
e. He said this by authority.-- Whether Virginia sides with them or not, they are gone irrecoverably. This was the issue, then, presented to the people. It was for Virginia to decide whether she would be the dependent tail of a Black Republican Confederacy, or the chief of a glorious Southern Confederacy. He maintained that there was no protection for Virginia in the Union. He would rather be dragged at the tail of South Carolina, than be led in chains after the triumphal car of Massachusetts; and, in continuation, spoke in glowing terms of South Carolina, and her prompt secession from the Union, which was received with prolonged cheering. He would be willing, he said, to lay down his life, if Virginia stood where South Carolina did today. If she had taken her position three months ago, the Union might have been reconstructed upon the basis of the Constitution. But she would not listen to the warning voice sent hither from Washington, and now she was compelled to take one
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