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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 20, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Dresden (Saxony, Germany) or search for Dresden (Saxony, Germany) in all documents.

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torical facts seem to have been drawn from publications made since that time — such as the works of Labaume and Segur --and not to have been derived from his own observation. He was present at the battle of Smolensk, but not at that of Borodino. He was in most of the actions on the retreat, and went with the Russian army to Germany, where he made the campaign of 1813. He was engaged in all the battles of that gigantic campaign — Lutzen, (where he distinguished himself,) Bautzen, Wurchen, Dresden, Leipzig. He continued with the allies during the campaign of 1814 in France, and was engaged in all the battles. After the return of Napoleon from Elba, and his defeat at Waterloo, Sir Robert Wilson won the applause of all Europe, by assisting Lavalette to escape, at his own imminent personal risk. For this exploit, he was reprimanded in general orders, by the Duke of York, Commander-in-Chief of the British army. In 1816, finding Europe at peace, he went to South America, and took