Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 26, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Goddin or search for Goddin in all documents.

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By Goddin -- Apperson, Auct's. Trustees' Sale of Valuable Real Estate, Slaves, and House-hold Furniture.--By virtue of a trust deed executed by Mr. Christopher Walthall and wife, dated 5th January, 1860, duly recorded in Richmond Hustings Court, we shall, in execution thereof, proceed to sell, at public auction, on the premises, on Tuesday, the 23d April, 1861, at 11 o'clock A. M., (if fair; if not, the first fair day,) the Real Estate, Slaves and Household Furniture, conveyed well-built three-story Brick Dwelling, now in the occupancy of the said Walthall, at the corner of Canal and 6th streets, fronting 22 feet, running back 100 feet to an alley 6 feet wide. Also, a vacant Lot in the rear, fronting 58 feet on the east line of 6th street, running back 49 10-12 feet. Also, two Negro Women Slaves, Mima and Fanny, and the two infant children of the said Fanny, George and Ellick, and the future increase of said Slaves. Also, all of the Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of