Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 27, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Richmond (Virginia, United States) or search for Richmond (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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n this city last evening, making a fine show and attracting general attention. The flag of the Confederate States, with a star for Virginia, was raised at the camp ground near Leesburg, yesterday, amid great enthusiasm. Maj. C. B. Ball, of Loudoun, has been appointed Paymaster in the army of Virginia, and is to be stationed in Richmond. From Washington. Washington, April 25. --The Seventh Regiment, numbering 1,000 men, of New York, the company which was so feted in Richmond, Va., not long since, and whose officers made such professions of attachment and affection for the citizens of the Southern States, arrived here to-day from Annapolis. The Massachusetts Regiment, which has been at Annapolis for some days past, yesterday took possession of the Annapolis Railroad, repaired its destroyed portions, and the dismantled locomotive, and thus permitted the New York Regiment to come over this morning. The Seventh Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers, who came
Davis, Deupree & Co. will give their entire attention to the Sale of Negroes, Publicly and privately Odd Fellows' Hall, Corner Mayo and Franklin streets, Richmond, Va. Ro. H. Davis, Wm. S. Deupree, S. R. Fondren. Hufus G. Maddux, Clerk, de 1--ly
of war, &c, she may then be in possession of, acquired from the United States, on the same terms and in like manner as the other States of said Confederacy have done in like cases. 3d. Whatever expenditures of money, if any, said Commonwealth of Virginia shall make before the Union, under the Provisional Government as above contemplated, shall be consummated, shall be met and provided for by said Confederate States. this Convention entered into and agreed to, in the city of Richmond, Virginia, on the twenty-fourth day of April, 1861, by Alexander H. Stephens, the duly authorized Commissioner to act in the matter for the said Confederate States, and John Tyler, Wm. Ballard Preston, Samuel McD. Moore, James P. Holcombe, James C. Bruce, and Lewis E. Harvie, parties duly authorized to act in like manner for said Commonwealth of Virginia — the whole subject to the approval and ratification of the proper authorities of both Governments respectively. in testimony whereof, the
Look out for him. --The people of Manchester, on last Monday, expurgated a free negro, named Richard Smith, from their midst, he having been caught with a number of letters, showing him to have possessed an extensive acquaintance at the North. Smith is thought to have taken refuge in Richmond.--He is about 5 feet 10 inches, and owned, when he left the South-side, a lot of dry goods.--The Manchester authorities caused the police here to be informed of the above facts. Look out for him. --The people of Manchester, on last Monday, expurgated a free negro, named Richard Smith, from their midst, he having been caught with a number of letters, showing him to have possessed an extensive acquaintance at the North. Smith is thought to have taken refuge in Richmond.--He is about 5 feet 10 inches, and owned, when he left the South-side, a lot of dry goods.--The Manchester authorities caused the police here to be informed of the above facts.