Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John L. Eubank or search for John L. Eubank in all documents.

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Sections of the 4th Article of the Present Constitution, and insert the following in lieu thereof: Taxation shall be equal and uniform throughout the Commonwealth, and all property shall be taxed in proportion to its value, which shall be ascertained in such manner as may be prescribed by law; but any property may be exempted from taxation by the vote of a majority of the whole number of members elected to each House of the General Assembly. This Ordinance shall take effect on the first day of July next, when ratified by a majority of the votes of the people of this Commonwealth, cast at a poll to be taken thereon on the fourth Thursday in May next, in pursuance of a Schedule hereafter to be enacted. Done in Convention, in the city of Richmond, on the twenty sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and in the eighty-fifth year of the Commonwealth of Virginia. A true copy. Jno. L Eubank, Secretary of the Convention.
ll be necessary, who, after having been first duly sworn by him, shall perform the duties required of, and be liable to the penalties imposed upon such officers under the election laws of this State. 8. The officers conducting the said election shall, on the day after the election, or as soon thereafter as may be, deliver the poll books to their said commander, who shall forthwith forward the same to the Governor of this Commonwealth, who shall count the said votes in ascertaining the result of the said election in the State. Done in Convention, in the city of Richmond, on the twenty-fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and in the eighty-fifth year of the Commonwealth of Virginia. A true copy. John L. Eubank, Secretary of Convention. Executive Department,April 27, 1861. The following Ordinances of the Convention of this Commonwealth are published by its order for general information. George W. Munford, Secretary of the Commonwealth.
o shall likewise give bond and security as above directed. The bonds hereby required to be given, shall be made payable to the State of Virginia, and shall be filed with the First Auditor. The Commissary General and his Assistants shall perform such duties in purchasing and issuing of rations to the army of the State of Virginia, as the Governor may direct. Supplies for the Army, unless in particular and urgent cases the Governor should otherwise direct, shall be purchased by contract, to be made by the Commissary General on public notice, to be delivered on inspection in the bulk, and at such places as shall be stipulated; which contract shall be made under such regulations as the Governor may direct. This Ordinance shall be in force from the time of its adoption, subject to amendment, modification, or repeal by this Convention or by the General Assembly of Virginia. Adopted by the Convention of Virginia, April 27, 1861. John L. Eubank, Secretary of the Convention.
An Ordinance. Providing Chaplains for the Provisional Army. Be it Ordained, That the Governor shall appoint one Chaplain for each Brigade, who shall be entitled to the same pay and emoluments as a Major of Infantry. This Ordinance shall be in force from the time of its adoption, and be subject to amendment, modification or repeal by this Convention or by the General Assembly. Adopted by the Convention of Virginia, April 27th, 1861. John L. Eubank, Secretary of Convention. ap 29--d3t&c3t