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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: may 18, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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Varina Davis (search for this): article 8
c misses of this city: Montgomery,Ala., April. 29, 1861. My Dear Young Ladies. --Permit me, before thanking you for your kind present and wishes for my husband's welfare, to congratulate you upon the secession of Virginia — the birthplace of my mother, as well as yours. The elder and honored sister of the Southern States is received with fearful joy among us, and many hands will fashion stars with which to mark this brilliant accession to our galaxy. The possession of a work box manufactured by little Southern girls, so industrious, so enthusiastic, and so patriotic, will be much prized by me, and I will leave it to my daughter, with the note which precedes it, as a precious legacy. Long are you reach the responsibility of a useful womanhood, may we have united peace to independence in our Southern Confederacy. Wishing you, my dear young friends, a long, a happy life, I have the honor to be, Your friend, Varina Davis. Very gratefully and sincerely,
Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 8
Graceful letter from our President's wife --The following letter from Mrs. Jefferson Davis (says the Petersburg Express,) was written in acknowledgement of the receipt of a beautiful work box, manufactured and presented to her by several patriotic misses of this city: Montgomery,Ala., April. 29, 1861. My Dear Young Ladies. --Permit me, before thanking you for your kind present and wishes for my husband's welfare, to congratulate you upon the secession of Virginia — the birthplace of my mother, as well as yours. The elder and honored sister of the Southern States is received with fearful joy among us, and many hands will fashion stars with which to mark this brilliant accession to our galaxy. The possession of a work box manufactured by little Southern girls, so industrious, so enthusiastic, and so patriotic, will be much prized by me, and I will leave it to my daughter, with the note which precedes it, as a precious legacy. Long are you reach the respo
April 29th, 1861 AD (search for this): article 8
Graceful letter from our President's wife --The following letter from Mrs. Jefferson Davis (says the Petersburg Express,) was written in acknowledgement of the receipt of a beautiful work box, manufactured and presented to her by several patriotic misses of this city: Montgomery,Ala., April. 29, 1861. My Dear Young Ladies. --Permit me, before thanking you for your kind present and wishes for my husband's welfare, to congratulate you upon the secession of Virginia — the birthplace of my mother, as well as yours. The elder and honored sister of the Southern States is received with fearful joy among us, and many hands will fashion stars with which to mark this brilliant accession to our galaxy. The possession of a work box manufactured by little Southern girls, so industrious, so enthusiastic, and so patriotic, will be much prized by me, and I will leave it to my daughter, with the note which precedes it, as a precious legacy. Long are you reach the respo