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above Washington, crossed the Chain Bridge, and passed the pickets of the Virginiaus twice without being recognized. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun writes: If anything were wanting to show that a movement in force is contemplated at Fortress Monroe, it is seen in the fact that a Major General has been sent there. Not only will he strengthen that fortress by field works on the land side, but his operations on the neck of land extending between the James and York rivers, towards Richmond and Petersburg, may require the diversion of a considerable force to hold the Federal troops in check in that quarter. The rivers are so broad for a long distance that they cannot be crossed by Gen. Lee's troops with a view to make a flank attack. Gen. Scott has said that 60,000 men were wanted along the banks of the Ohio, which fact precludes the idea that any very large force is coming upon Harper's Ferry from the West. At present the General Government does not
West Point. A correspondent of the Richmond Examiner says: The preparations for the defence of York River have greatly increased the business of the York River Railroad. The cars, on Saturday morning, when I left Richmond by this route, for West Point, were crowded with recruits, officers in uniform, and the usual and varied assortment of passengers. A long freight train, filled with the provisions and munitions of war, denoted efficient Quarter-masters and Commissariat Departments upon York River. An hour and a half suffices for the performance of the journey from Richmond to West Point. The road traverses a country by no means as level and accessible to an invading foe as those who have never traveled it suppose.--To the contrary, it is admirably suited for a most successful guerilla war. Like all narrow strips of country separating two great rivers, the country between Richmond and West Point is, for the most part, broken and uneven. Hills, valleys, swamps, marc