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f our position by the brave North Carolina boys, commanded by the hero, Col Hill. Their entrenchments were unfortunately near a thick wood, skirted by a marsh, the wood so near that it furnished a fine cover for the enemy. Here he made a dash at the works, the only really spirited attack of the fight. But the ride boys were too strong for him. At one time I learn that he almost succeeded. and there was some confusion; but soon order was restored, and the victory won. A gallant Yankee Captain Jumped upon the fence in front of Col. Hill's line, and cheered on his men; but instantly fell dead, pierced at the heart by the steady handed marksmen of the Old North State All honor and glory to the dear Old North State. How I wished to cheer these troops as they passed our quarters yesterday afternoon but my feeble voice could not express the deep feelings of gratitude and admiration for the noble fellows, and I said in my heart, God bless you, my brave boys! Just after we abandoned o
Harlow J. Phelps (search for this): article 1
terday before I got to the wharf, and I will add a word. Monday evening, (the day of the fight.) the order was issued that our whole force should retire upon Yorktown, and the march was taken up at sunset. Everything was removed that was of any value. The following are the reasons for this movement: 1st Our ammunition was nearly exhausted. 2nd We were much farther from the "back bone." or strength of our position, than were the enemy. 3rd. The position itself is by no means a strong one--on the contrary, in some respects it is very week. I have just learned that a wounded Sergeant of the enemy, says there were five regiments engaged, and that they were led on by Col. Phelps, of Vermont. The official report will not give, I think, a correct account of the killed of the enemy, as many have been found since in the woods. Up to Tuesday evening they had not sent to bury their dead, though there was a false rumor in the morning that they were advancing in a large body. P.
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 1
ty. The general impression is, they lost about 200, about 50 of these killed. I think among the slain were two Captains and a Sergeant of the third New York Regiment. numbers engaged. Our whole force was not beyond 1,200. I made my calculation before the fight. Of these, 800 were from the Old North State; the remainder were Virginias. I do not think that more than one half of our number fired a single gun. Of our own detachment of 190 men, not more than one fifth fired. The Louisiana regiment arrived from York too late to participate in the fight. Of the enemy (several of whom were capture) we learn there were four regiments. One man says there were 4,500 men. A lady on the road timed their passing her house, and says it occupied one hour. I think it may safely be put down at 3,000. You will doubtless receive many interesting details of this engagement, and as I have already written far more than I expected, I must close. Of the conduct of our own men,
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
After this movement we took our position, by command of Col. Magruder, in a trench to the rear of the Church, and commanding the marsh which we had just passed. There was some confusion at the Church owing to this movement, together with the breaking away of horses and the falling limbs from the tree; but order was soon restored, and we awaited anxiously the approach of the enemy. Meanwhile, deeds of valor were being performed upon the extreme left of our position by the brave North Carolina boys, commanded by the hero, Col Hill. Their entrenchments were unfortunately near a thick wood, skirted by a marsh, the wood so near that it furnished a fine cover for the enemy. Here he made a dash at the works, the only really spirited attack of the fight. But the ride boys were too strong for him. At one time I learn that he almost succeeded. and there was some confusion; but soon order was restored, and the victory won. A gallant Yankee Captain Jumped upon the fence in front of
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): article 1
terday before I got to the wharf, and I will add a word. Monday evening, (the day of the fight.) the order was issued that our whole force should retire upon Yorktown, and the march was taken up at sunset. Everything was removed that was of any value. The following are the reasons for this movement: 1st Our ammunition was nearly exhausted. 2nd We were much farther from the "back bone." or strength of our position, than were the enemy. 3rd. The position itself is by no means a strong one--on the contrary, in some respects it is very week. I have just learned that a wounded Sergeant of the enemy, says there were five regiments engaged, and that they were led on by Col. Phelps, of Vermont. The official report will not give, I think, a correct account of the killed of the enemy, as many have been found since in the woods. Up to Tuesday evening they had not sent to bury their dead, though there was a false rumor in the morning that they were advancing in a large body. P.
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
was now reinforced by Capt.Bridges company of Riflemen, and being annoyed by the fire of the enemy's musketry from the white house in front, four men were sent to burn it, and in the attempt a noble North Carolinian was shot in she head and died last night.--The effort failed and the house was finally fired by a shell. At 2 o'clock the enemy's fire had nearly ceased, and, after a fight of four hours and a half, he began to retire. He was pursue by the cavalry to the bridge leading to Hampton, which, in his fright, he burnt after passing. The Number of killed and wounded. On our side, one man killed, (he died here last night,) and two others (one badly) wounded. In all, there were eleven only wounded, and most of them, I think, slightly, I saw the worst cases. Our brave friend Hudnall, of the Howitzer Battery, was slightly wounded in his foot. I saw him last night, and he was doing well. Several of the Howitzers were among the wounded, and I learn bear their wo
York (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
s, they lost about 200, about 50 of these killed. I think among the slain were two Captains and a Sergeant of the third New York Regiment. numbers engaged. Our whole force was not beyond 1,200. I made my calculation before the fight. Of these, 800 were from the Old North State; the remainder were Virginias. I do not think that more than one half of our number fired a single gun. Of our own detachment of 190 men, not more than one fifth fired. The Louisiana regiment arrived from York too late to participate in the fight. Of the enemy (several of whom were capture) we learn there were four regiments. One man says there were 4,500 men. A lady on the road timed their passing her house, and says it occupied one hour. I think it may safely be put down at 3,000. You will doubtless receive many interesting details of this engagement, and as I have already written far more than I expected, I must close. Of the conduct of our own men, I feel some delicacy in speak
Hanover Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Smart, of Richmond, began the erection of earth works in a grave yard to the right of the Church, and beyond the creek. We continued the work till sunset, and made considerable progress.--This was the most advanced point of all the operations for defence — not very elevated, but the best that could be got. Yesterday morning at hall past three the bugle sounded "to arms." and in a few minutes the three companies — to wit: Young Guard, CaptCharters; Henrico Southern Guard, Capt Children, of Hanover; and the Life Guard, Capt walker, all of the 3d Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, Lieutenant Col. Stuart commanding — were under arms, and started for a position just this sine of the work on which they had been engaged the day before. It was a mill dam, which had been converted into a redoubt. After halting here a half hour, we were ordered to repair to our former position, on the little eminence to the right, in the grave-yard. Here we continued to work in the entrenchment, continuing i<
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
The Peninsula battlefurther accounts. From persons who left Yorktown two days after the battle at Bethel Church, we learn that on Wednesday morning our camp was approached by five New York Zouaves under a flag of truce. The object of their mission was ostensibly to be permitted to bury their dead and to effect an exchange o that at roll-call on Tuesday morning, 440 were missing. Below we give further particulars of the battle: Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. Yorktown. June 11, 1861. As the steamer from your city is in sight. I hasten to give you a brief description, of the battle of Bethel Church, which took place yesterday before I got to the wharf, and I will add a word. Monday evening, (the day of the fight.) the order was issued that our whole force should retire upon Yorktown, and the march was taken up at sunset. Everything was removed that was of any value. The following are the reasons for this movement: 1st Our ammunition was ne
he Confederate or Virginia authorities, though his escape from Washington and his patriotic abandonment of his large property there, left him dependent on his profession alone for the support of his family. Mr. Barbour said he referred to Major Tyler, of Fauquier, brother of Judge Tyler, of that judicial district; and in order that such neglect and positive injustice should be at one remedied, Mr. B. submitted a motion raising a committee of seven, to confer with the authorities of the ConJudge Tyler, of that judicial district; and in order that such neglect and positive injustice should be at one remedied, Mr. B. submitted a motion raising a committee of seven, to confer with the authorities of the Confederate States on the general subject of their relations towards the State of Virginia. The motion was adopted. [Justice to Mr. Ambler requires us to say that this interesting part of the day's proceedings was introduced by him in some remark relative to a pledge of the Convention, that Virginia officers, resigning in Lincoln's service, should be provided for by the State, without detriment to their professional grade] During the morning a dash was made at the Governor's Aid, bu
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