Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 21, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Virginia (Virginia, United States) or search for Virginia (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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The Tories in Conclave. --In the "Western Virginia Convention," on Tuesday, Traitor Carlile, from the Committee on Business, reported an ordinance fixing the compensation of State officers and members of the Legislature much lower than now. Traitor Farnsworth, of Upshur county, offered a resolution that one of the leading objects of the Convention, after establishing a Provisional Government, was the separation of Western from Eastern Virginia. After a long debate, it was laid on the table — ayes 57, nays 17. Resolutions of respect to the memory of the late Senator Dougles were unanimously ordered to be entered upon the journal.
ard and over look those of the "fair sex." The trials and difficulties through which the women of the Revolution passed — the almost Spartan bravery which characterized all their exploits — have been entirely surpassed by some of our own ladies of the "Sunny South," who have given us valuable aid and information. One of the most striking instances on record, and one which will make one of the brightest pages in Southern history, is the daring exploit performed by two young ladies of Northwestern Virginia. The circumstances, as far as I have been able to learn, are these: The day before the battle of Phillippi the Federal troops of Gen. McClellan's command, numbering over 4,000, started from Fairmont (46 miles from Phillippi) to attack the Virginia troops under Col. Porterfield, and which numbered only 800 armed men. The movement was conducted on the part of our enemies with such secresy that their designs were known to but few; yet their object was obvious to some. They saw that th
A Brace of precious Knaves. --Capt. Coats, of Louisa county, brought to this city, a few days since, two deserters from the 7th Alabama Regiment, Col. Winston, Northern men, who entered the service in Mobile, Alabama, and whose object was to get near some Northern post so that they could join their Yankee friends. Capt. Coats caught these birds in Louisa county, making centipede tracks for Northwestern Virginia, and returned them to the Captain of their company. The names of these precious scoundrels are David Embry and J. B. Crook.