Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 15, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Thomas W. Scott or search for Thomas W. Scott in all documents.

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for taxes on his ferry; by Mr. Critcher, of reporting a bill to refund the damages to such of the sureties of Jas. R. Courtney, late Sheriff of Westmoreland county, as may have been paid by them on judgements in favor of the Common wealth against said James R. Courtney, less the expenses incurred in collecting said judgments; by Mr. Dickinson, of Grayson, of authorizing the re-assessment of the lands of Daniel S. Dickinson, of Lee county; by Mr. Thompson, of reporting a bill allowing to Thos. W. Scott, Sheriff of Dinwiddie county, the same commission he would have been entitled to by law upon prompt payment of the revenue of said county into the treasury; by Mr. Critcher, of refunding to Albin L. Hardwick a certain sum of money erroneously paid by him into the treasury; by Mr. Gatewood, of releasing Jas. W. Smoots, Deputy Sheriff of J. J. Grandstaff, of Shenandoah county, from the payment of damages, if it shall appear that he has paid the full amount of the debt, interest and costs;
The Daily Dispatch: January 15, 1861., [Electronic resource], Message from the acting Governor of Kansas. (search)
ay afternoon, at the Council Chamber. Present--Messrs. Saunders, Grattan, Denoon, Griffin, Talbott, Richardson, Greanor, Scott, Burr, Howison, Crutchfield and Hill. Mr. Dencon presented a report from the Committee on Schools, which was receiveety, for rooms in the new building on Bank street. Referred to the Committee on Public Grounds and Buildings. Mr. Scott offered the following: Resolved, That the Committee on Public Buildings inquire into the conditions upon which thrt was laid on the table — ayes 7, noes 5--with the understanding that it be taken up at the next regular meeting. Mr. Scott then offered a resolution directing that the supply of gas be stopped from every person living outside of the city limite limits, whereupon, on motion, it was voted that Mr. Grattan be employed by the city to advocate said extension. Mr. Scott, from the Committee on the Fire Department, asked that the committee be discharged from the further consideration of th
but the door was locked, and he had to stay there an hour or more. Mr. Dejarnette, in the speech which the Blacks were kind enough to permit him to print, (they have now condescended to let the Southerners have three days for debate,) gave Gen. Scott a proper good rasping. Another member from Virginia called on the General the other day, and told him how bitter the feeling in Virginia against him was. The General said he was merely acting under orders. The reply was, that Virginians believed he suggested these very orders.--Gen. Scott could not deny this. "If Virginia goes out," said the member, "will you be for her or against her?" The blow was so direct that the General faltered, and could only say that he would answer that question when the time came. Who doubts that he would retain command of the Federal Army? The report about the altercation between the General and Toombs is literally true. There will be no duel. I may telegraph you to-night an important move, looki
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.affairs at the University of Virginia--GeneralScott burnt in effigy, &c. University of Virginia, January 13th, 1861. The election of Anniversary Orator came off in the Jefferson Literary Society last night, and resulted in the choice of Wm. G. Temple, Esq., son of Ex-Governor Temple, of Delaware. Mr. Temple is a gentleman of no ordinary talent, and will represent the Society with credit. Those of our friends who will be with us on the 13th of Aconfidently assure them they will not be disappointed. The two Literary Societies have invited Mr. Paul Brown, a distinguished lawyer of Philadelphia, to deliver the annual address before them on the 4th of July next, and he has accepted. Gen. Scott was burnt last night in effigy, by the students, amid repeated cheers for Toombs and the seceding States, and groans for Major Anderson. A card was placed over the effigy, on which was written-- "Winfield Scott.would-beDictator and Despot.