Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 7, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Cook or search for Cook in all documents.

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Servants for Hire. --I have for hire several Women, very good Cooks, Washers and Ironers; one old Woman, who is a good Cook. To a good home, her hire will be low. Several House Girls; first-rate Farm Hands; two old Men good Gardeners; one good Driver; and several Factory Hands. James Moore, 51 Main st. ja 31--ts
For Hire. --I have for hire for the present year, a Negro Woman, who is a first-rate Cook, Washer and Ironer. Apply to Jno. A. Hutcheson. At Davis & Hutcheson's, Franklin st. ja 21--ts
Wanted --to Hire — A good No. 1 Cook, Washer and Ironer, (other white or colored,) for which a liberal price will be paid.--None but such as can come fully recommended will suit. Apply to the subscriber, at Dick Hill & Co's Auction Room, corner Franklin and Wall streets. Jos. Marsh. [fe 5--4t]
Servants for Hire. --A good plain Cook, Washer and Ironer, without encumbrance; and also a sprightly, active Boy, 13 or 14 years of age. I would prefer to hire them to go to the country, but would not object to a good situation in the city. Apply to Wilson Peters. (Firm of Peters, Martin & Co.,) 12th street, near Cary. fe 5--3t