Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Ross or search for John Ross in all documents.

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The Cherokee Nation. --We find the following, purporting to have been addressed to the Cherokees by their Chief, in a late Northern newspaper: I, John Ross, Principal Chief, hereby issue this, my proclamation, to the people of the Cherokee Nation, reminding them of the obligations arising under treaties with the United States, and urging them to the faithful observance of said treaties, and peace and friendship to the people of all the States.--The better to attain these important e For these reasons I earnestly urge on the Cherokee people the importance of non-interference with the people of the States, and the observance of unswerving neutrality between them. Trusting that God will not only keep from our own borders the desolation of war, but that He will, in His infinite mercy and honor, stay its ravages among the brotherhood of the States. Given under my hand at the Executive Office, at Park Hill, this 17th day of May, 1861. John Ross, Principal Chief.
Stabbing affair. --John Ross was arrested on Saturday, for cutting and stabbing Augustus P. Girard; and on Sunday morning, Jackson Palmer was caged for the same offence.--The parties are engaged in the military business, and it will no doubt appear, on examination, that some other spirit than the spirit of liberty actuated the commission of the deed, which the common law and those who interpret it, hold to be in nowise connected with the defence of the country.
ately high. Capt. Pike was delayed some days by them, but finally got across the last, Illinois, on Tuesday. Wednesday, he had an interview with the Chief, Mr. Ross. This was, in every respect, satisfactory. Mr. Ross had been represented as a quasi-Abolitionist, an enemy to the South, and Heaven knows what more. Capt. PikMr. Ross had been represented as a quasi-Abolitionist, an enemy to the South, and Heaven knows what more. Capt. Pike found him tractable, gentlemanly, and easy to deal with. It is true he had assumed a position of neutrality in the war that exists, but this is not for the purpose of holding aloof from the South, but to preserve the nationality of his people. He cannot prevent the enlistment of many of the Cherokees in our armies. There are pt. P. left on his mission to the Creeks. He will return here at a specified time — say two or three weeks hence. Gen. McCulloch also had an interview with Mr. Ross. I was not present, but suppose it was agreeable to both parties. At least, I hear no complaint on our side. Col. Mark Bean, of Cane Hill, accompanied Cap