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Abraham Lincoln 54 0 Browse Search
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) 32 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: July 10, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

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August, 6 AD (search for this): article 2
sons, who never knew fear, have exercised the right of determining their own destiny, awed neither by large armies nor the threats of many hostile States. Tennessee to-day occupies a more exalted position than ever before. Her people have shown themselves to be a free people, and her sons freedom's gallant champions. We have already many thousand soldiers prepared for action, and will be able to raise as many more as necessity may require. Though East Tennessee, by her vote of the 8th of June, seemed not to have received enough of old Abe's blessings to make her willing to leave his bosom, yet the secret of it was, her people cared nothing at all for old Abe; but certain leaders, in whom they had been accustomed to place great confidence, having become favorites of the old gentleman — some of them on account of the loaves and fishes, and others by reason of a fellow feeling — took it upon themselves to abuse that confidence, and to estrange the people of East Tennessee from the
June 17th (search for this): article 2
on the same stump with themselves, and often having appointments upon the same day, and in the same neighborhood where they (the Southern-rights men,) spoke for the purpose of preventing the Union men from hearing but one side of the question. Having by these means, procured a large majority in East Tennessee for the Union, they set to work to transfer it to Lincoln. The delegates of a Convention, which was held at Knoxville before the election, were called to meet at Greenville on the 17th of June. These delegates were not elected by the people, but those of them who were sent at all, were appointed by little, irresponsible town and country meetings.--Neither were the counties equally represented. Eight of them had but one delegate each; three of them only two delegates each; several more four and five delegates each, while Green, Andy Johnson's county, had fifty-four delegates; Knox, Brownlow's county, twenty-eight, and Washington, Nelson's county, forty delegates. Many of these
June, 7 AD (search for this): article 2
Position of Tennessee. A letter dated Morristown, Tenn., July 6th, gives us the subjoined account of the position at present occupied by our sister State, and expresses correctly the determination of her people to resist all attempts at subjugation by foes without and traitors within her borders: The Volunteer State by an overwhelming majority has become a member of the Southern Confederacy. Her gallant sons, who never knew fear, have exercised the right of determining their own destiny, awed neither by large armies nor the threats of many hostile States. Tennessee to-day occupies a more exalted position than ever before. Her people have shown themselves to be a free people, and her sons freedom's gallant champions. We have already many thousand soldiers prepared for action, and will be able to raise as many more as necessity may require. Though East Tennessee, by her vote of the 8th of June, seemed not to have received enough of old Abe's blessings to make her wil
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