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Hampden Sidney boys. The following letter is from Rev. Dr. Smith, Professor in Union Theological Seminary, and owing to the late arrival of the Central cars on Thursday night, could not appear in Friday's paper, as was intended: Staunton, July 18. To the Editors of the Dispdtch:--With N. C. Read, Esq., of your city, I telegraphed you to-day that this company was safe, though prisoners. As the relatives of its members are very much scattered, I take this method of informing them that I learn by a gentleman (more direct from Beverly) that they are there as prisoners, with about 500 others of the troops which were at Rich Mountain under Colonels Heck and Pegram. The retreat was made through the woods to the road leading from Beverly to Laurel Hill, with a view of joining Gen. Garnett; but finding that he had left, and the post was in the hands of the enemy, who also held Beverly, they had no alternative except to surrender, or undertake the hopeless task of pushin
The fight at Manassas!brilliant Victory!the enemy Complete'y Routed.from 1,000 to 1,500 Federal troops killed!heroic conduct of our troops.Partial list of killed and wounded on our side.the Alexandria Riflemen.&c., &c., &c.,[special correspondence of the Dispatch.] Manassas Junction, July 18-- 10 P. M. Victory perches upon our banners. The army of the Potomac, under the command of General Beauregard, gave battle to the enemy to-day, at Bull's Run, four miles from Manassas Junction, in a Northwest direction, and three miles to the left of the Alexandria Rail-Road. The enemy attempted to cross the ford of several points in great numbers, but were repulsed by our brave and determined troops three times, with heavy loss on the enemy's side. The enemy retreated about five o'clock in the afternoon in confusion, two of our regiments pursuing them. A large number of them have been taken prisoners. On our side, the casualties are few. Yesterday the enemy appeared in force at
Federal Congress. Washington, July 18. --In the House to day a bill was passed remitting fines where ships are unable to get proper papers. A bill was passed authorizing the forwarding of soldiers' letters without additional charge. A bill to pay volunteers from the time they rendezvoused, was passed. In the Senate, Secretary Forney called the body to order, and announced that Vice President Hamlin would be absent the balance of the session. The bill authorizing the appointment of an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and the bill for the better organization of the Marine Corps, were passed. The bill to modify the Tariff act met with unexpected opposition in the House to-day. In the House to-day the action in regard to Mr. May, member from Baltimore, in regard to his visit to Richmond, was laid on the table. Washington, July 19.--In the Senate, to-day, the military bill was passed. The House concurred in the Senate's amendments to the Nav
The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1861., [Electronic resource], Sketch of the Martyr Jackson and his family. (search)
From Washington. Washington, July 18. --12½ o'clock, P. M.--There was nothing reliable or official received from Fairfax up to noon to-day. A courier from General McDowell's headquarters has reached here, who states that the Federal army marched early this morning on Centreville. General McDowell said last night that he thought the Confederates would fight at Centreville. It is reported here that General Johnston's forces at Winchester are endeavoring to unite with Generstates that the Federal army marched early this morning on Centreville. General McDowell said last night that he thought the Confederates would fight at Centreville. It is reported here that General Johnston's forces at Winchester are endeavoring to unite with General Beauregard's columns at Manassas. General Scott states that there are between 30,000 and 40,000 troops at Centreville and Manassas. Washington, July 18--Seven thousand axes have been sent to the Federal army.
Casualties of the Rich Mountain fight. Louisville, July 18. --Among the Southerners reported to have been killed at the Rich Mountain fight were Capt. Wm. M. Skipwith, of the Powhatan (Va.) Rifles; Lieut. Dannett, or Damiett, D. Taylor, and a gentleman by the name of Walker, or Dr. Walker. Among the wounded were Capt. Delaquel and his 1st Lieutenant. Capt. Delaquel escaped to his camp, but was afterwards carried off as a prisoner. It is reported that his wounds are so serious that he cannot recover.
From Fortress Monroe. Fortress Monroe, July 18. --Steamers from Norfolk have been landing troops at Sewell's Point, where there is apparently a formidable force. Preparations are being made to annoy the Federal shipping; doubtless by masked batteries at Willoughby's Point, and opposite the Rip Raps. Two negroes from Pig's Point report the Southerners in considerable force opposite Newport News.
Troops firing into each other. Cincinnati, July 18. --Cox's Kanawha men fired at each other, killing two and wounding several. About forty miles up the Kanawha, at the Red House, the cavalry charged Cox's column, killing two and wounding one. The cavalry wheeled and retired.
Progress of the Confederates. Burlington, Iowa. July 18. --Three hundred Confederate's Cavalry have invaded Appaloosa county. There is great terror in the adjoining counties. The Allen Brigade, with one company of Artillery and two of Infantry, will leave promptly for North Missouri.
Seizure of Leather. Louisville. July 18. --A large lot of leather has been seized at Salt river.