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[special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.]the fight at thousand Federalists killed. Gordonsville July 19. --Three thousand of our troops and five thousand of the Federalists were engaged in the fight at Bull's Run, near Manassas, yesterday. The battle was fought chiefly in the woods. A grand battle is expected to-morrow, in which all the forces on both sides will be engaged. In the flight yesterday over one thousand of the enemy were killed. The loss on our side was only one hundred and forty-two, including killed, wounded and missing. The enemy to-day sent a flag of truce, asking us to allow them to bury their dead. T.
[special Dispatch to Richmond Dispatch.]Latest from Manassas!flag of truce from the enemy.death of Maj. Harrison.&c., &c., &c., Manassas, July 19. --Everything quiet here to-day. A flag of truce was sent in by the enemy, asking permission to bury their dead, in which they have been busily engaged. They have probably five hundred killed and wounded. Our loss is less than twenty dead. An attack is hourly expected. Geo. M. Muse, private in the Washington Artillery, of New Orleans, died to-day; also, Major Harrison, 11th Virginia Regiment. Two cannon and five hundred stand of arms were taken from the enemy. Gen. Patterson has crossed the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, doubtless to make a junction with Gen. McDowell. Fifty prisoners, principally Pennsylvanians, arrived here to-day from Winchester. It was Thomas, and not William Sangster, of the Alexandria Riflemen, who was killed
[special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch]affairs in the Northwest--safety of Gen.Garnett's command — capture of prisoners. Staunton, Va. July 19. --An Aid-de-camp of General Garnett's arrived here this morning and reports that all the troops of his command, except thirty, have succeeded in reaching Monterey and are now there. A strong force of Confederate troops is being concentrated there. A number of Col. Pegram's command, who were paroled by Gen. McClellan after their surrender, have arrived here. About three thousand troops arrived here to-day. The militia are turning cut en masse, and such a militia as any nation, much less Yankees, might fear. A volunteer from Arkansas, named Baldwin, was killed here Wednesday, by falling from the top of a car. His legs were cut off by the wheels, and his body otherwise mangled. Twenty-one prisoners were brought in last night from Beverly by our men. They were all "Union" men with the exception of one, who w
Congress. Washington, July 18. --In the House to day a bill was passed remitting fines where ships are unable to get proper papers. A bill was passed authorizing the forwarding of soldiers' letters without additional charge. A bill to pay volunteers from the time they rendezvoused, was passed. In the Senate, Secretary Forney called the body to order, and announced that Vice President Hamlin would be absent the balance of the session. The bill authorizing the appointment of an Assistant Secretary of the Navy, and the bill for the better organization of the Marine Corps, were passed. The bill to modify the Tariff act met with unexpected opposition in the House to-day. In the House to-day the action in regard to Mr. May, member from Baltimore, in regard to his visit to Richmond, was laid on the table. Washington, July 19.--In the Senate, to-day, the military bill was passed. The House concurred in the Senate's amendments to the Navy bill.
The Daily Dispatch: July 20, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Yelverton marriage trial in Scotland. (search)
The Tribune's correspondent's account of the fight at Manassas. Washington July 19, P. M. --The Confederates fell back on yesterday from Centreville. The correspondent of the New York Tribune says: "A minor fight has been reported to have taken place to-day at Bull's Creek, six miles from Manassas Junction, where several of the Federal troops were killed. The fight lasted half an hour, but the Southerners were too well posted. Three masked batteries opened at intervals on the Federal troops, and they retired. Heavy firing was heard as the correspondent left the field."
Movements of Gen. Patterson. Louisville, July 19. --Instead of going to Winchester, Gen. Patterson went to Charleston. The General was satisfied that Winchester could not be attacked on the north side without great loss of life.