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Browsing named entities in a specific section of The Daily Dispatch: October 1, 1861., [Electronic resource]. Search the whole document.

Found 6 total hits in 2 results.

Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 14
Robbing. --Some of the Federal forces still visit this side of the Potomac for the purpose of robbing. Two horses attached to a wagon, belonging to Mr. Wm. Crow, of this town, were taken at Harper's Ferry on Tuesday last by a squad of plunderers, who crossed over for the purpose. The team had gone to the Furry with two ladies to get some household property belonging to them. Mr. Crow is a private gentleman, advanced in years, unconnected in any manner with the war now existing, and it is an outrage upon the part of the Federal Government to tolerate such petty acts upon private interests. If such acts be countenanced by the commanding officer on the other side, it will exhibit a state of depravity and lack of honor unparalleled. Mr. Crow's property should be restored to him, and the robbers punished. Ell, the colored driver of the team, being too advanced in years for their philanthropy, was permitted to pass and foot it home.--Charlestown Free Press.
William Crow (search for this): article 14
Robbing. --Some of the Federal forces still visit this side of the Potomac for the purpose of robbing. Two horses attached to a wagon, belonging to Mr. Wm. Crow, of this town, were taken at Harper's Ferry on Tuesday last by a squad of plunderers, who crossed over for the purpose. The team had gone to the Furry with two ladies to get some household property belonging to them. Mr. Crow is a private gentleman, advanced in years, unconnected in any manner with the war now existing, and it is an outrage upon the part of the Federal Government to tolerate such petty acts upon private interests. If such acts be countenanced by the commanding officer on nding officer on the other side, it will exhibit a state of depravity and lack of honor unparalleled. Mr. Crow's property should be restored to him, and the robbers punished. Ell, the colored driver of the team, being too advanced in years for their philanthropy, was permitted to pass and foot it home.--Charlestown Free Press.