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unition wagons having been at last brought up, and large reinforcements having been received, I again moved into town on Wednesday, the 18th inst., and began the final attack upon the enemy's works. Brig. Gen. Rains's division occupied a strong position on the east and northeast of the fortifications, from which an effective cannonading was kept up on the enemy by Bledsoe's battery, under command, except on the last day, of Capt. Emmett McDonald, and another battery commanded by Capt. Churchill Clark, of Rev. Louis. Both of these gentlemen, and the men and officers under their command, are deservedly commended in the accompanying report of Brig. Gen. Rains. Gen. Parsons took a position southwest of the works, whence his battery, under command of Capt. Guibor, poured a steady fire into the enemy. Skirmishers and sharpshooters were also sent forward from both of these divisions to harass and fatigue the enemy, and to cut them off from the water on the north, east, and so