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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 14, 1861., [Electronic resource].

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... 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 8
The black flag. We have information that the authorities of South Carolina have communicated with Government upon the subject of "hoisting the black flag," to which allusion has been made since the attack upon the coast of that State. It is believed that General Lee has received orders from the War Department, urging that those captured must be regarded as prisoners of war, which will be disregarded by the authorities of South Carolina; and that the same course will be pursued which Goverk flag," to which allusion has been made since the attack upon the coast of that State. It is believed that General Lee has received orders from the War Department, urging that those captured must be regarded as prisoners of war, which will be disregarded by the authorities of South Carolina; and that the same course will be pursued which Governor Wise adopted at the time of the john Brown raid upon Harper's Ferry — when we are done with the Invaders, the Confederate Government may have them.
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
The black flag. We have information that the authorities of South Carolina have communicated with Government upon the subject of "hoisting the black flag," to which allusion has been made since the attack upon the coast of that State. It is believed that General Lee has received orders from the War Department, urging that those captured must be regarded as prisoners of war, which will be disregarded by the authorities of South Carolina; and that the same course will be pursued which Governor Wise adopted at the time of the john Brown raid upon Harper's Ferry — when we are done with the Invaders, the Confederate Government may have them.
The ladies' horse. --Col. Harris, of the Ohio Field Notes, an acknowledged authority on the subject, writes as follows in regard to the best kind of a horse for a lady, his management. etc.: The bridle of a lady's horse should be a single rein curb — never a snaffle to be pulled upon — requiring the strength of a thread only to guide and direct the animal, and drawn only when the horse is required to be stopped; at all times to be kept slightly in hand, or be permitted to lie gently on the arched neck of the beautiful creature, permitting him to look abroad upon things, and see the road he is traveling; starting with a bound into a graceful canter at the leaning forward of the rider without the use of the whip or other incentive. We had supposed a double bridle was preferable — that is, a curb and snaffle, either of which could be used as occasion required.--The majority of English ladies use such a bridle. The paces of a lady's horse should be long rather than s<
Lindsay Walker (search for this): article 9
Novel railway carriage. --A novelty in the shape of a passenger car and engine combined, is now nearly completed at the shops of the Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroad Company in this city. It is designed for the private use of the officers of the company, who have frequent occasion to pass over the road on business. The car is handsomely finished, and contains accommodations for two or three passengers. In the forward part is a small engine, of sufficient power to propel the vehicle. This ingenious contrivance, which is about half the size of a street railway car, has been christened "Lindsay Walker," in honor of the gallant captain of that name, now serving on the Potomac.
November 13th (search for this): article 9
Arrival of another European steamer. Augusta Nov. 13. --Special dispatches from Savannah announce the arrival of Col. Anderson with a steamer, from Europe, with large quantities of arms, ammunition, etc., etc.
Arrival of another European steamer. Augusta Nov. 13. --Special dispatches from Savannah announce the arrival of Col. Anderson with a steamer, from Europe, with large quantities of arms, ammunition, etc., etc.
Walter Preston (search for this): article 9
The Congressional election. It is now believed that Walter Preston has been elected as the representative from the 13th district, instead of Fayette McMullen, as heretofore stated. The reports from other districts do not vary from previous publications, though a portion of the State yet remains to be heard from. We are requested to publish the official vote of Rockbridge county, as follows: For Congress — Baldwin 250, Sheen 169, Harper 72, Coffman 55. For Davis and Stephens 580.
The Congressional election. It is now believed that Walter Preston has been elected as the representative from the 13th district, instead of Fayette McMullen, as heretofore stated. The reports from other districts do not vary from previous publications, though a portion of the State yet remains to be heard from. We are requested to publish the official vote of Rockbridge county, as follows: For Congress — Baldwin 250, Sheen 169, Harper 72, Coffman 55. For Davis and Stephens 580.
The Congressional election. It is now believed that Walter Preston has been elected as the representative from the 13th district, instead of Fayette McMullen, as heretofore stated. The reports from other districts do not vary from previous publications, though a portion of the State yet remains to be heard from. We are requested to publish the official vote of Rockbridge county, as follows: For Congress — Baldwin 250, Sheen 169, Harper 72, Coffman 55. For Davis and Stephens 580.
The Congressional election. It is now believed that Walter Preston has been elected as the representative from the 13th district, instead of Fayette McMullen, as heretofore stated. The reports from other districts do not vary from previous publications, though a portion of the State yet remains to be heard from. We are requested to publish the official vote of Rockbridge county, as follows: For Congress — Baldwin 250, Sheen 169, Harper 72, Coffman 55. For Davis and Stephens 580.
... 49 50 51 52 53 54 55