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Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) 40 0 Browse Search
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Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) 30 2 Browse Search
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) 28 0 Browse Search
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Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): article 3
News from Missouri. Below we give the most interesting items in regard to affairs in Missouri which we were able to glean from our Northern files: Gen. Price Retreating--his force said to be thirty thousand strong. Rolla, Mo., Nov. 11, 1861. --All our sick and wounded in Spring field, able to be removed, were to leave there on Saturday night for St. Louis, and orders had been given to have the rest start as soon as they are able. General Price had fallen back eight miles frMissouri which we were able to glean from our Northern files: Gen. Price Retreating--his force said to be thirty thousand strong. Rolla, Mo., Nov. 11, 1861. --All our sick and wounded in Spring field, able to be removed, were to leave there on Saturday night for St. Louis, and orders had been given to have the rest start as soon as they are able. General Price had fallen back eight miles from Cassville, near the State line, and was moving south. It was believed to be reliably ascertained that his policy was to lead our army n, but not to fight, simply to keep a large force there, so as to draw troops from the Mississippi Valley. The general belief in his camp was that St. Louis would soon be in the hands of the rebels from Columbus, Kentucky. There had been a good deal of trouble about slaves, who had escaped into Gen. Lane's and other camps, and Gen. Hunter had given owner
Columbus, Ky. (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 3
rday night for St. Louis, and orders had been given to have the rest start as soon as they are able. General Price had fallen back eight miles from Cassville, near the State line, and was moving south. It was believed to be reliably ascertained that his policy was to lead our army n, but not to fight, simply to keep a large force there, so as to draw troops from the Mississippi Valley. The general belief in his camp was that St. Louis would soon be in the hands of the rebels from Columbus, Kentucky. There had been a good deal of trouble about slaves, who had escaped into Gen. Lane's and other camps, and Gen. Hunter had given owners permission to search our camps and reclaim them if they could find them. The ten missing men of General Fremont's body guard had returned to Springfield from Cassville. They report General Price's force to be about 30,000 strong, with thirty pieces of artillery, twelve pieces of which had recently been received from Memphis, whence other sup
Kansas (Kansas, United States) (search for this): article 3
Hunter by all the old regular army officers. Gen. Hunter's position on the "contraband" question is understood to be as follows: All negroes coming into camp will be retained, and such of them as are proved the property of Union men will be appraised and receipted for, to be paid when and how Congress may see fit. Colonel Albert, Acting Brigadier-General, will also remain, and several other foreign officers, who first decided to leave, will remain. Marcus J. Parrott, of Kansas, has been appointed on Gen. Hunter's staff. Springfield, Nov. 6. --According to information received by Gen. Hunter, it is now said that Gen. Price has no intention of attacking us, and if pursued still further by us he will scatter his army or retreat to Fort Smith, and await developments on the Potomac and in Kentucky. It is very doubtful whether any further advance of our main army will be made, but further intelligence of the number and position of the rebels may chan
had escaped into Gen. Lane's and other camps, and Gen. Hunter had given owners permission to search our camps a special dispatch to the St. Louis Democrat; Gen. Hunter has not yet put into effect any decided measures sed to be still in the vicinity of Casville. Gen. Hunter has little faith at present in their having desigo strengthened by the high opinion entertained of Gen. Hunter by all the old regular army officers. Gen. HGen. Hunter's position on the "contraband" question is understood to be as follows: All negroes coming into camrcus J. Parrott, of Kansas, has been appointed on Gen. Hunter's staff. Springfield, Nov. 6. --According to information received by Gen. Hunter, it is now said that Gen. Price has no intention of attacking ushas been appointed commander of this post. General Hunter spent a part of yesterday in visiting the campslry. Brigadier General Sturgis has been appointed chief of the Staff and of Cavalry on Hunter's Staff.
to be about 30,000 strong, with thirty pieces of artillery, twelve pieces of which had recently been received from Memphis, whence other supplies were being received. Latest reports from Springfield. Springfield, Mo., Nov. 5. --The following is a special dispatch to the St. Louis Democrat; Gen. Hunter has not yet put into effect any decided measures for the conduct of the campaign, but I am informed he will adopt plans entirely different from those of Gen. Fremont. Col. Merrill. was sent out on a reconnaissance yesterday, with 1,400 cavalry, and a section of artillery, and explored the country around Wilson's Creek, but discovered no enemy, their advance having left for the South on Sunday. The main body of the rebels is supposed to be still in the vicinity of Casville. Gen. Hunter has little faith at present in their having designs of attacking us. He will, however, in a few days, have such reliable information of their numbers and position, &c., as to de
and the more they learn of their new commander the better they are satisfied with him. This feeling is also strengthened by the high opinion entertained of Gen. Hunter by all the old regular army officers. Gen. Hunter's position on the "contraband" question is understood to be as follows: All negroes coming into camp will be retained, and such of them as are proved the property of Union men will be appraised and receipted for, to be paid when and how Congress may see fit. Colonel Albert, Acting Brigadier-General, will also remain, and several other foreign officers, who first decided to leave, will remain. Marcus J. Parrott, of Kansas, has been appointed on Gen. Hunter's staff. Springfield, Nov. 6. --According to information received by Gen. Hunter, it is now said that Gen. Price has no intention of attacking us, and if pursued still further by us he will scatter his army or retreat to Fort Smith, and await developments on the Potomac and in Kentucky
Marcus J. Parrott (search for this): article 3
ertained of Gen. Hunter by all the old regular army officers. Gen. Hunter's position on the "contraband" question is understood to be as follows: All negroes coming into camp will be retained, and such of them as are proved the property of Union men will be appraised and receipted for, to be paid when and how Congress may see fit. Colonel Albert, Acting Brigadier-General, will also remain, and several other foreign officers, who first decided to leave, will remain. Marcus J. Parrott, of Kansas, has been appointed on Gen. Hunter's staff. Springfield, Nov. 6. --According to information received by Gen. Hunter, it is now said that Gen. Price has no intention of attacking us, and if pursued still further by us he will scatter his army or retreat to Fort Smith, and await developments on the Potomac and in Kentucky. It is very doubtful whether any further advance of our main army will be made, but further intelligence of the number and position of th
to leave, will remain. Marcus J. Parrott, of Kansas, has been appointed on Gen. Hunter's staff. Springfield, Nov. 6. --According to information received by Gen. Hunter, it is now said that Gen. Price has no intention of attacking us, and if pursued still further by us he will scatter his army or retreat to Fort Smith, and await developments on the Potomac and in Kentucky. It is very doubtful whether any further advance of our main army will be made, but further intelligence of the number and position of the rebels may change this policy. General Stegel has been appointed commander of this post. General Hunter spent a part of yesterday in visiting the camps and examining into the general condition of the army, and to-day he has gone on a reconnaissance touch, with his body guard, four hundred infantry, a battery, and several companies of cavalry. Brigadier General Sturgis has been appointed chief of the Staff and of Cavalry on Hunter's Staff.
able. General Price had fallen back eight miles from Cassville, near the State line, and was moving south. It was believed to be reliably ascertained that his policy was to lead our army n, but not to fight, simply to keep a large force there, so as to draw troops from the Mississippi Valley. The general belief in his camp was that St. Louis would soon be in the hands of the rebels from Columbus, Kentucky. There had been a good deal of trouble about slaves, who had escaped into Gen. Lane's and other camps, and Gen. Hunter had given owners permission to search our camps and reclaim them if they could find them. The ten missing men of General Fremont's body guard had returned to Springfield from Cassville. They report General Price's force to be about 30,000 strong, with thirty pieces of artillery, twelve pieces of which had recently been received from Memphis, whence other supplies were being received. Latest reports from Springfield. Springfield, Mo., Nov. 5.
d to leave, will remain. Marcus J. Parrott, of Kansas, has been appointed on Gen. Hunter's staff. Springfield, Nov. 6. --According to information received by Gen. Hunter, it is now said that Gen. Price has no intention of attacking us, and if pursued still further by us he will scatter his army or retreat to Fort Smith, and await developments on the Potomac and in Kentucky. It is very doubtful whether any further advance of our main army will be made, but further intelligence of the number and position of the rebels may change this policy. General Stegel has been appointed commander of this post. General Hunter spent a part of yesterday in visiting the camps and examining into the general condition of the army, and to-day he has gone on a reconnaissance touch, with his body guard, four hundred infantry, a battery, and several companies of cavalry. Brigadier General Sturgis has been appointed chief of the Staff and of Cavalry on Hunter's Staff.
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