Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 4, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for March, 12 AD or search for March, 12 AD in all documents.

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House of Delegates. Tuesday, Dec. 3. The House met at 12 o'clock, M. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Reed, of the Presbyterian Church. The Speaker appointed the following select committee, on motion of Mr. Barbour, relative to certain vacant seats in the House: Messrs. Forbes, McCamant, Hunter, Burks, Steger, Baskerville, Sanders, of Franklin, and Richardson. Petitions presented. By Mr. Robertson--Memorial of the City Council of Richmond, asking that their issue of small notes may be legalized. By Mr. Steger--Of Retry R. Jones, Clerk of the Penitentiary, asking an increase of salary. Several other petitions of a private character were presented. The Danville railroad connexion. On motion of Mr. Buford, it was Resolved, That a select committee of five be appointed to confer with the proper authorities of the Confederate Government in relation to the construction of a railroad between the town of Danville, Virginia, and the town of Greensboro',
Latest from Kentucky. Nashville, Dec. 2. --(via Mobile, Dec. 3.)--The Bowling Green correspondent of the Union and American, of the 2d inst., states that the Federals are still north of Green river. It is reported that they are preparing to go into winter quarters at Camp Levin, near Nolin Bridge. Memphis, Dec. 2.--It is stated here, on good authority, that Gen. A. S. Johnston believes that the Federal move against Columbus is a feint, and that the fight will come off at Bowling Green shortly. The reported landing of troops from Cairo to St. Louis is confirmed. The Federals are evidently alarmed at St. Louis.