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Donnell have been deposed for allowing Kelly to whip them at Romney. Reports of deserters from the rebel Camp. The New York Herald, of the 4th inst., publishes the following from its special Washington telegraphic correspondent, dated December 3d: This morning General McCall sent to the headquarters of General Porter, Provost Marshal, two deserters from the rebel army, named Wm. McDonald and John Worsdall. The first is an English boy, twenty years old; the second is a Scotch lad,ey state that General Johnston commands down the Potomac, towards Fredericksburg. Senators Powell and Bright. The New York Herald publishes the following paragraph from its special telegraphic correspondent, under date of Washington, December 3d: Considerable feeling is manifested here at the fact that Powell, of Kentucky, and Bright, of Indiana, have taken their seats in the Senate. Their loyalty is doubted, hence their position is a dangerous one for the Union cause, since the