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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 20
Late Southern news. From our latest Southern exchanges we make up the following summary of news: Arrest of non, Edward Stanley, of North Carolina, and his nephew. We regret to hear, says the Lynchburg Republican of Saturday, that information has been received, via Manassas, that the Hon. Edward Stanley and his nephew, Capt. Fablus Stanley, U. S. N., have been arrested at San Francisco and lodged in jail. These gentlemen are natives of North Carolina, and it was suspected by the miserable Lincoln despotism that they were about to return to the States for the purpose of resuming their residence in the South. The Hon. Edward Stanley represented one of the North Carolina Districts in the Federal Congress for many years. A regiment of Choctaw Indians tendered Gen. Floyd. The following correspondence, which we copy from the Rockingham Register, of the 12th inst., explains itself. Of course the War Department will accept the offer of the services of this regiment
Washington (United States) (search for this): article 20
easure that I tender to you, through him, the services of my command of Choctaw warriors to vindicate our common flag, and to aid in driving the Northern vandals from our sacred and consecrated soil. In tendering this command to the Confederate States, I am only imitating the glorious character of my warrior father, Pushinatahaw, who now sleeps upon the once honored soil of the South, but now lies beneath the iron heel of the despot, Abraham Lincoln. By patriots he was entombed in Washington city--by patriotic legions I hope to regain his ashes. My command shall be ready for active service and ready to march by the 1st of December next. And I further request that orders may be sent by you through Col. Deneale to convey us to the field of battle, which we will make the field of glory, or fall in the attempt. Yours, affectionately, Johnson Pushmatahaw. Headquarters on the Kanawha, Cantonement Verina, Nov. 27, 1861. Col. Geo. E. Dencale--Dear Sir: Your note r
Romney (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 20
lost one man killed, belonging to Col. Ashby's regiment, and had one wounded; the other which was only a slight wound, belonged to the battery. This dam will probably again be attacked in a few days and destroyed, even if our men have to cross the river. There was another small force ordered from here last night towards the river, consisting of four companies of the 27th regiment and the two remaining rifle pieces of Pendleton's battery. The Yankees are now six miles this side of Romney, and abodt six or seven thousand strong. From Tybee and Green Islands. We take the following from the Savannah News, of the 12th inst.: The six Federal vessels at Tybee, reported yesterday, remained in the same position all day Tuesday and Wednesday. They seem to be doing nothing. Yesterday morning a squad of about forty, headed by an officer, visited Mr. King's place, when a shell from the Fort scattered them. At noon, another party, of about the same number, went over ag
Martinsburg (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 20
chburg Republican dated "Army of the Valley, Winchester, Va., Dec. 9," we extract the following: There has been some skirmishing down on the Potomac below Martinsburg this last week. On last Thursday Gen. Jackson ordered four pieces of Pendleton's battery and four companies of infantry to Martinsburg, for the purpose of destMartinsburg, for the purpose of destroying Dam No. 5 on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, which would very much incommode the Federals; and on Saturday the battery took their position on the bank of the river to demolish the Dam, but the enemy opened fire upon them, when they were obliged to recross the river; our battery then opened fire upon the enemy, attempting to dsed for the night, but commenced firing again soon the next morning, and continued until about 9 o'clock, when they withdrew from their position and returned to Martinsburg. The enemy had no cannon, but their men were armed with the Minnie and Enfield Rifles. We lost one man killed, belonging to Col. Ashby's regiment, and had one
Galveston (Texas, United States) (search for this): article 20
were fired at them from a rifled cannon at Fort Sereven, when the vessels very prudently retired. The defence of Galveston — the Island Untenable. We find in the Houston (Texas) Telegraph, of the 2d instant, the following addenda to an editorial on the defences of Galveston: A council of war was held at Galveston on Wednesday last, the result of which has not definitely transpired. It is rumored, however, that the conclusion arrived at is that Galveston is untenable. In suppGalveston on Wednesday last, the result of which has not definitely transpired. It is rumored, however, that the conclusion arrived at is that Galveston is untenable. In support of this rumor, the batteries on the beach have been removed; the powder and other munitions of war on the island have been taken to a place of greater security; a portion of the public records have been removed; and a building has been rented inGalveston is untenable. In support of this rumor, the batteries on the beach have been removed; the powder and other munitions of war on the island have been taken to a place of greater security; a portion of the public records have been removed; and a building has been rented in this city to be used as a hospital, to which the sick in the Galveston hospital have been removed. So much for the action of the public authorities.
San Francisco (California, United States) (search for this): article 20
Late Southern news. From our latest Southern exchanges we make up the following summary of news: Arrest of non, Edward Stanley, of North Carolina, and his nephew. We regret to hear, says the Lynchburg Republican of Saturday, that information has been received, via Manassas, that the Hon. Edward Stanley and his nephew, Capt. Fablus Stanley, U. S. N., have been arrested at San Francisco and lodged in jail. These gentlemen are natives of North Carolina, and it was suspected by the miserable Lincoln despotism that they were about to return to the States for the purpose of resuming their residence in the South. The Hon. Edward Stanley represented one of the North Carolina Districts in the Federal Congress for many years. A regiment of Choctaw Indians tendered Gen. Floyd. The following correspondence, which we copy from the Rockingham Register, of the 12th inst., explains itself. Of course the War Department will accept the offer of the services of this regiment of
Rockingham, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 20
e Federal Congress for many years. A regiment of Choctaw Indians tendered Gen. Floyd. The following correspondence, which we copy from the Rockingham Register, of the 12th inst., explains itself. Of course the War Department will accept the offer of the services of this regiment of warriors, who are the very boys to assist in chasing the Yankees from the sacred soil of this proud old Commonwealth. The regiment was raised mainly through the agency of Col. George E. Deneale, of Rockingham, Va., who spent six weeks in the Choctaw nation, haranguing the people until their blood was fired: Doaksvill, (Capitol of the Choctaw Nation,) October 11th, 1861. Brigadier General J. B. Floyd--Dear Sir: Having been informed by Col. Deneale that you are ready and willing to receive one or more companies of Choctaws as a part of your brigade in the Confederate service, it is with pride and patriotic pleasure that I tender to you, through him, the services of my command of Chocta
Harrisburg (Texas, United States) (search for this): article 20
and do not venture far from the protection of their ships. Their movements are observed, and it is thought something will turn up before long. We learn that yesterday afternoon two Federal gunboats attempted to pass through Hurlgate inlet, about two and a half miles from our batteries on Green Island. Four shots were fired at them from a rifled cannon at Fort Sereven, when the vessels very prudently retired. The defence of Galveston — the Island Untenable. We find in the Houston (Texas) Telegraph, of the 2d instant, the following addenda to an editorial on the defences of Galveston: A council of war was held at Galveston on Wednesday last, the result of which has not definitely transpired. It is rumored, however, that the conclusion arrived at is that Galveston is untenable. In support of this rumor, the batteries on the beach have been removed; the powder and other munitions of war on the island have been taken to a place of greater security; a portion of the
United States (United States) (search for this): article 20
1861. Brigadier General J. B. Floyd--Dear Sir: Having been informed by Col. Deneale that you are ready and willing to receive one or more companies of Choctaws as a part of your brigade in the Confederate service, it is with pride and patriotic pleasure that I tender to you, through him, the services of my command of Choctaw warriors to vindicate our common flag, and to aid in driving the Northern vandals from our sacred and consecrated soil. In tendering this command to the Confederate States, I am only imitating the glorious character of my warrior father, Pushinatahaw, who now sleeps upon the once honored soil of the South, but now lies beneath the iron heel of the despot, Abraham Lincoln. By patriots he was entombed in Washington city--by patriotic legions I hope to regain his ashes. My command shall be ready for active service and ready to march by the 1st of December next. And I further request that orders may be sent by you through Col. Deneale to convey us to
Tybee Island (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 20
, and had one wounded; the other which was only a slight wound, belonged to the battery. This dam will probably again be attacked in a few days and destroyed, even if our men have to cross the river. There was another small force ordered from here last night towards the river, consisting of four companies of the 27th regiment and the two remaining rifle pieces of Pendleton's battery. The Yankees are now six miles this side of Romney, and abodt six or seven thousand strong. From Tybee and Green Islands. We take the following from the Savannah News, of the 12th inst.: The six Federal vessels at Tybee, reported yesterday, remained in the same position all day Tuesday and Wednesday. They seem to be doing nothing. Yesterday morning a squad of about forty, headed by an officer, visited Mr. King's place, when a shell from the Fort scattered them. At noon, another party, of about the same number, went over again, when another shell made them take to their heels.
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