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ph line. The damage to the road cannot fall short of $300,000, and at least one month will be required to repair it so that trains can pass. St. Louis, Dec. 23.--Dispatches received at headquarters say that the command sent to Lexington by General Pope burned two ferry boats and a foundry at that place, and took two capthe track at that place will be to-morrow, if the men are not interrupted, and the repairs of the telegraph line keep pace with these of the road. St. Louis, Dec. 23. --General Halleck has issued an order, fixing the penalty of death on all parties engaged in destroying railroads and telegraphs, and requiring the towns and couad approved of all the bills presented to him. There was no further news from Somerset. Payment of officers appointed by General Farmont. Washington, Dec. 23. --Adjutant-General Thomas last week sanctioned the payment of all the officers appointed by Gen. Fremont, named in the list forwarded by Gen. Halleck. New
Later from Europe.Arrival of the steamer Persia.death of Prince Albert.&c. &c. &c. St. John's, N. F., Dec. 23.--The R. M. steamship Persia, Capt. Judkins, from England, with troops, bound to Quebec, passed Cape Race at 5 P. M. to-day. Her advices are to the 15th inst. The Australasian, also bound to Quebec with troops, was about 20 miles astern when the Persia passed the Cape. The Persia was boarded by the news yacht. No regularly compiled summary of her news was procured, but a few papers were obtained, from which the news is compiled. The Persia sailed from Liverpool on the 15th. She has one thousand and one hundred troops on board, and is bound for River du Lope or Bic. The news is important. His Royal Highness, Prince Albert, expired at noon of Sunday, the 15th inst., of gastric fever. His illness was not considered dangerous until Friday. The Liverpool Mercury, of the 15th, states that the Earl of Derby has been consulted by the Government.
Additional by the Edinburg. St. John's, N. F., Dec. 23.--The following is the very latest news by the Edinburg, which passed Cape Race on Saturday night. London, Dec. 12.--The Journal de Havre de Remaphore, of Marseilles, and the Girende, of Bordeaux, advise the French Government to preserve strict neutrality in case of war between England and America. The Paris Temps approves of the proposal of the London Daily News, to appeal to the mediation of friendly Powers, in accordance with the agreement made at the Paris Conference in 1856, and says that no other Power but France can be the mediator. The Paris Presse advocates the energetic intervention of France between England and America. The Opinione Nationals, the organ of the French Liberal party, says that France should not follow the example of England, should the latter recognize the South. The Moneto, of Turin, warns England against beginning war with America, as France would take advantage of it to in