Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 5, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John S. Caskie or search for John S. Caskie in all documents.

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Drawing a pistol. --Yesterday, just after the case against McDonald for stealing a Colt's pistol had been decided by the Mayor, a disturbance occurred at the entrance to the hall of justice. In a few moments officer Seal made his appearance, having in custody a man named John M. Wilson, a member of the Texas Invincible, attached to the 14th Alabama regiment, who had drawn a pistol to shoot Julius Nessler, one of Caskie's Rangers. Wilson had become dissatisfied with the verdict in McDonald's case, which surrendered to Mr. Walsh, gun-smith, the pistol claimed by Wm. A. Sharp as his, and was about initiating a difficulty with one of the Caskie Rangers, (to which company McDonald claims to belong,) when Nessler interposed, and he drew his pistol. His commanding officer being present, made an eloquent appeal in his behalf, which induced the Mayor to let him off. The pistol was retained, to be delivered to the party when he should be ordered on duty away from Richmond.
Evans versus Hagan. --This case was tried yesterday before Senior Alderman Richard D. Sanxay in the City Hall. The action was in the nature of a demand on the part of James Evans against John Hagan, (familiarly called Hagan's John, King of the Creek Nation,) for forty dollars alleged by Evans to have been "given him (Hagan) wrongfully." The circumstances leading to this action are well known to the reading public, and need not be again alluded to A. Judson Crane, Esq., appeared for the plaintiff, and John S. Caskie, Esq., for the defendant. After arguments by the learned counsel, the presiding magistrate dismissed the case--first, because the precise amount of money demanded was not testified to, and secondly, because the correctness of the "account" was likewise not proved. Judgment given for defendant's cost, and appeal taken and allowed.
Promoted. --We learn that Sergeant F. W. Tichenor, of Caskie's Rangers, (a citizen of Richmond,) has, for his gallant conduct in the charge made by his company on Guyandotte, been appointed Sergeant Major of the cavalry attached to the Wise Legion.