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Maryland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): article 22
are loyal, and to be relied upon. Some few Secessionists are among them--Southern men from Texas and Arkansas--but they are over-whelmed by the loyalty of the country, or by the general martial law existing, which compelled them to shut their months. The United States force in New Mexico is about five thousand, which can be largely increased by the militia, a portion of which are armed and ready at call. A Yankee story. The New York Times publishes the following: Hancock, Md., Jun. 31.--The third brigade, Gen. Banks's Division, Gen. Williams commanding, consisting of the 5th Connecticut, 28th New York, 46th Pennsylvania and 19th New York regiments, is stationed here. It is supposed that there are about 3,000 rebels, encamped at Eath, which is five miles back from the Virginia side of the river, and among them is Col. Ashby, with the "Black Horse Cavalry." On Monday last, Capt. Graves, of the 46th Pennsylvanians, crossed the river with a party of fifteen men
Green (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 22
of the New London, when that vessel put about and steamed rapidly for Ship Island. At the time of this occurrence there were seventeen. Yankee vessels, three of which were steamers, and a number of small craft in the vicinity of the Island. A daring Confederate soldier. We copy the following from the Nashville Union and American, of the 5th: Capt. John H. Morgan, at the head of nine men and a guide, left his squadron near Casland, the early part of last week, and crossed Green river, thirty-seven miles below Munfordsville, marching almost seventy miles into Lincolndom and waiting only seven miles from Leitnon, where there is a large Federal force. Were they took nine prisoners, four in uniform, one a lieutenant, two engaged in the repair of the telegraph line, the remaining two strong Union men, several horses, a number of guns and two negroes were also captured. On the return each had a prisoner, two of whom were turned to very useful account. Capt. Morgan lay in
Romney (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 22
vements and measures. The attentive of General Lovell was called to this fact and by an order issued yesterday he informed the public no passes would be granted henceforth to go to the Bay of St. Louis. But Ship Island is not the only place near our coast where the Northerners communicate with the traitors. Near Fort Livingston, for instance, there are seamen who, under the plea of going to se for fish or oysters, pay now and then a visit to the blockading vessels. The evacuation of Romney. A letter to the Lynchburg Republican from Winchester, Feb. 8th, says, that the evacuation of Romney, Va., emanated from the War Department, and that it was not done in consequence of any apprehended movement of the enemy. From the same source we learn that Gen. Loring left Romeny in a somewhat hurried manner, leaving behind a considerable amount of commissary stores, quite as much, probably, us the Yankees left when they evacuated that place. On the march, also, it is reported on good
Mississippi Sound (United States) (search for this): article 22
t that point have been very heavily reinforced within the last two weeks. Regiments from Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee have been pouring in, as well as some few Texas regiments, who came through Arkansas. General Beauregard is at Columbus. He reached Nashville on the 4th inst., where he was enthusiastically received. The same night he quitted Nashville, and had probably just reached Columbus on the morning of the day on which Fort Henry was captured. Another Brush in Mississippi Sound. The New Orleans. Bulletin, of the 4th inst. says: On Sunday afternoon, Captain Myers, of the steamer Oregon, carried his boat to with, in a short distance of Ship Island, when the U. S. steamer New London ran out and gave chase. Captain Myers waited for the enemy until he got to within a mile and a half of him, when quite a brisk interchange of compliments, in the way of shot and shell, look place between the two vessels. A number of the Yankees' balls fell very near the
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 22
Late Northern and Southern news. The Situation of Affairs at Columbus In consequence of the conviction of Gen. Folk that the enemy intended to make so early and formidable demonstration against Columbus, our forces at that point have been very heavily reinforced within the last two weeks. Regiments from Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee have been pouring in, as well as some few Texas regiments, who came through Arkansas. General Beauregard is at Columbus. He reached Nashville on the 4th inst., where he was enthusiastically received. The same night he quitted Nashville, and had probably just reached Columbus on the morning of the day on which Fort Henry was captured. Another Brush in Mississippi Sound. The New Orleans. Bulletin, of the 4th inst. says: On Sunday afternoon, Captain Myers, of the steamer Oregon, carried his boat to with, in a short distance of Ship Island, when the U. S. steamer New London ran out and gave chase. Captain Myers waited fo
Lafourche (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 22
It is obvious we have in our midst men who are in constant communication with the enemy, whom they supply with newspaper, and post up about every one of our military movements and measures. The attentive of General Lovell was called to this fact and by an order issued yesterday he informed the public no passes would be granted henceforth to go to the Bay of St. Louis. But Ship Island is not the only place near our coast where the Northerners communicate with the traitors. Near Fort Livingston, for instance, there are seamen who, under the plea of going to se for fish or oysters, pay now and then a visit to the blockading vessels. The evacuation of Romney. A letter to the Lynchburg Republican from Winchester, Feb. 8th, says, that the evacuation of Romney, Va., emanated from the War Department, and that it was not done in consequence of any apprehended movement of the enemy. From the same source we learn that Gen. Loring left Romeny in a somewhat hurried manner, lea
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 22
demonstration against Columbus, our forces at that point have been very heavily reinforced within the last two weeks. Regiments from Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee have been pouring in, as well as some few Texas regiments, who came through Arkansas. General Beauregard is at Columbus. He reached Nashville on the 4th inst., where he was enthusiastically received. The same night he quitted Nashville, and had probably just reached Columbus on the morning of the day on which Fort Henry w000 New Mexican volunteers. At Santa Fe there were two companies of regulars and two companies of volunteers. The New Mexicans, generally are loyal, and to be relied upon. Some few Secessionists are among them--Southern men from Texas and Arkansas--but they are over-whelmed by the loyalty of the country, or by the general martial law existing, which compelled them to shut their months. The United States force in New Mexico is about five thousand, which can be largely increased by the
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): article 22
Late Northern and Southern news. The Situation of Affairs at Columbus In consequence of the conviction of Gen. Folk that the enemy intended to make so early and formidable demonstration against Columbus, our forces at that point have been very heavily reinforced within the last two weeks. Regiments from Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee have been pouring in, as well as some few Texas regiments, who came through Arkansas. General Beauregard is at Columbus. He reached Nashville on the 4th inst., where he was enthusiastically received. The same night he quitted Nashville, and had probably just reached Columbus on the morning of the day on which Fort Henry was captured. Another Brush in Mississippi Sound. The New Orleans. Bulletin, of the 4th inst. says: On Sunday afternoon, Captain Myers, of the steamer Oregon, carried his boat to with, in a short distance of Ship Island, when the U. S. steamer New London ran out and gave chase. Captain Myers waited fo
Columbus (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 22
ne prisoners, four in uniform, one a lieutenant, two engaged in the repair of the telegraph line, the remaining two strong Union men, several horses, a number of guns and two negroes were also captured. On the return each had a prisoner, two of whom were turned to very useful account. Capt. Morgan lay in ambush for several hours within distinct heating of the bugle sound of 1,800 Illinois cavalry. The expedition was of daring as it was brilliant. A Spirited City. The city of Columbus, Ga., with a population of about 8,000 souls, has sent to the field sixteen infantry companies and two full light artillery companies. It has supplied to the service five colonels, one lieutenant-colonel, four majors, four adjutants, four assistant quartermasters, four assistant commissaries, nineteen captains, and sixty-two lieutenants. Spies in New Orleans. The Picayune says: It is obvious we have in our midst men who are in constant communication with the enemy, whom they s
Ship Island (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): article 22
New Orleans. Bulletin, of the 4th inst. says: On Sunday afternoon, Captain Myers, of the steamer Oregon, carried his boat to with, in a short distance of Ship Island, when the U. S. steamer New London ran out and gave chase. Captain Myers waited for the enemy until he got to within a mile and a half of him, when quite a briut not one touched her. One shell from the Confederate steamer exploded right over the bow of the New London, when that vessel put about and steamed rapidly for Ship Island. At the time of this occurrence there were seventeen. Yankee vessels, three of which were steamers, and a number of small craft in the vicinity of the Island.Lovell was called to this fact and by an order issued yesterday he informed the public no passes would be granted henceforth to go to the Bay of St. Louis. But Ship Island is not the only place near our coast where the Northerners communicate with the traitors. Near Fort Livingston, for instance, there are seamen who, under the p
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