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The Daily Dispatch: February 19, 1862., [Electronic resource] 13 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 19, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Henry R. Johnson or search for Henry R. Johnson in all documents.

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ardson. Major...Thomas E. Goode. Companies. Chesterfield Guard, Captain William B. Ball. Governor's Guard, (Richmond,) Captain J. S. Cabell. Hanover Volunteers, Captain Williams C. Wickham. Henrico Volunteers, Captain Z. S. Magruder. Amelia Volunteers, Captain S. S. Welseger. Goochland Guard, Captain Julian Harrison. Mecklenburg Volunteers, Captain W. H. Jones. Pittsylvania Volunteers, Captain C. H. Flournoy. Cumberland Volunteers, Captain Henry R. Johnson. Charlotte Volunteers, Captain John G. Smith. Second regiment. Colonel...Frederick Henningsen. Lieutenant Colonel...Frank Anderson. Major...--Lauson. Companies. Mississippi Rangers, Capt. Imboden. Richmond Blues, Capt. Lewis. University company, Capt. Crane. --company, Capt. McComas. Sykstown (Mississippi) Rangers, Capt. McDonald. --company, Capt. Farish. --company, Capt. Smeed. Third regiment. Colonel...J. L. Davis.
The Daily Dispatch: February 19, 1862., [Electronic resource], The Confederacy and Negro emancipation — Munchausen! (search)
the Memphis Avalanche, writing under date of the 13th, says: It was reported here last night that a fight of a most desperate character was going on at Fort Donelson, about 12,000 on each side engaged; but as yet it is not confirmed. General Johnson is falling back from Bowling Green. It is not known whether he will stop at Gallatin or come to Nashville. This movement is necessary, and no doubt very proper under the circumstances. The enemy had left their position in front of JohJohnson, and evidently intended a flank movement, with the view of cutting off his communication. I never complain of those in authority, particularly in the military — we must take it for granted that our Generals know what they are doing; but I think just at this time East Tennessee is in great danger from the Federal army. I know of no force to prevent an army marching from Kentucky into East Tennessee, and if they once get in there how are we to get them out? The passes between East Ten
General Assembly of Virginia.Senate. Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1862. The Senate was opened with prayer by Bishop Early. Upon motion of Mr. Johnson, of Bedford, the Senate took a recess of half an hour in order to witness the meeting of the Confederate States Congress. The Senate re-assembled at one o'clock. Mr. Johnson, from the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation, to whom was referred a resolution to inquire into the expediency of providing for the speedy completion ofMr. Johnson, from the Committee on Roads and Internal Navigation, to whom was referred a resolution to inquire into the expediency of providing for the speedy completion of the Alexandria, Loudoun and Hampshire Railroad, submitted a report that it is inexpedient to legislate upon the subject.--Concurred in. Bills presented. Bills were presented from standing committees: To amend and re-enact an ordinance of the Convention authorizing the county courts to make provision for the maintenance of the families of soldiers in the actual service of the State or of the Confederate States. To provide for and regulate the salary of the third clerk in the T
he Provisional Congress putting in operation the permanent Government of the Confederate States, and the act supplemental to the same. The roll being called, the following Senators answered to their names: Arkansas--Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Johnson. Florida--Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Baker. Georgia--Mr. Hill Kentucky--Mr. Simms. Louisiana--Mr. Sparrow. Mississippi--Mr. Brown. Missouri--Mr. Clark and Mr. Peyton. North Carolina--Mr. Davis and Mr. Dortch South Carolina--Mr. Barnwelot, in detail. For Mr. Nash.--Messrs. Barnwell, Baker, Brown, Clark, Haynes, Henry, Hill, Hunter, Orr, Preston, and Simms--11. For Mr. Hooper--Messrs. Davis. Maxwell, Mitchell, Oldham, Peyton, and Sparrow--6. For Mr. Dawson--Messrs. Johnson and Dortch--2. James H. Nash, of South Carolina, having a majority of the votes cast, was declared the Secretary of the Senate, and came forward and was duly qualified. On motion of Mr. Orr, the Senate proceeded to the election of