Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for February 18th, 1862 AD or search for February 18th, 1862 AD in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: February 22, 1862., [Electronic resource], Conference of Railroad officers invited at the War Department. (search)
Conference of Railroad officers invited at the War Department. --The War Department at Washington has just learned the following. War Department, Feb. 18, 1862, The railroad operations of the War Department require that there should be a just and officiant system of railroad transport, that would secure to the Government energetic action, with a fair of charges--. The Secretary of Va. believing that be may safely appeal to the douglas experiences of the officers of the railroad companies, and to their patriots feelings for aid in sovereignty such a system to the States to meet subject, at Washington 20th day of February, 1862. Non. Corning and N. L. Wilson, now in this city, are requested to set as a committee of arrangements. [Signed,] Edwin M. Starton, Secretary of War.
as agreed to. Mr. Writtle, of Pittsylvania, then submitted the following resolution, and the rules being suspended therefore, the same was agreed to, as follows: Resolved, That a joint committee of both Houses of the General Assembly, consisting of three members of each House, be appointed to prepare and recommend a course of proceeding against E. P. Pitts, Judge of the 5th Circuit, of this State, on the charges contained in the resolutions of the House of Delegates of the 18th of February, 1862. Resolutions of inquiry. The following resolutions of inquiry into expediency were offered and adopted: By Mr. Brannon--Of making an appropriation to the military contingent fund. By Mr. Thompson--Of refunding to Jno. H. Haskins, Sheriff of Amelia county, the amount of damages paid by him into the Treasury on an execution in favor of the Commonwealth Confederate States War tax. The Senate proceeded to the consideration of the House bill "to provide for the