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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 4, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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England (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 1
ir charters, relinquished that right for the more valued privilege of making money. But, however that might be the British Government never contemplated nor perpetrated such outrages upon all that makes life worth having as the Lincoln despotism. And yet our revolutionary ancestors having put their hand to the plough, never looked back, but through seven long years, through storm and sunshine, defeats and successes, straggled on, until they had wearied out the patience and the power of Great Britain--the most persevering and the most perfect empire under the sun. We do not believe that the Southern people have Regenerated since that era. The politicians may be corrupt; the speculators may surpass the greediness even of the Yankee of that era, who used to fight the British by day, and sell them their "notions" at night, and Even the South was not without its Johnny Rocks; servile place hunters may be found there, who are in earnest only open the subject of feathering their own n
Russian River (Alaska, United States) (search for this): article 1
What is the spirit of the South? The London Times, in one of the most intelligent articles which, has yet appeared on American articles, sate forth the impossibility of conquering the South, If the South is really in earnth. Everything, in its view, depends upon the simple point, in the South in earnest? It refer to the vast extent of Southern territory and the courage of its defender, and says the North is imitating the folly of Napoleon in his Russian campaign and of George the Third in the American Revolution. The same cause which referred the British monarch, says the Times, will defeat the North, but all depends upon whether the South is in earnest. There never was more truth expressed in the earns number of words. Certainly, if we are not in earnest, we have become a most degenerate race since the days of 76. The men of those days were terribly in earnest, and yet we doubt whether they had the same personal animosity to their British enemies, and we know they had
Greenlee Davidson (search for this): article 1
Accidentally killed. --While Capt. Davidson's artillery company was drilling yesterday, at Camp Lee, four horses, attached to a caisson, ran away, throwing private R. W. Outland under the wheels, and killing him instantly. The other men on the caisson were uninjured. The deceased leaves a family in Richmond.
R. W. Outland (search for this): article 1
Accidentally killed. --While Capt. Davidson's artillery company was drilling yesterday, at Camp Lee, four horses, attached to a caisson, ran away, throwing private R. W. Outland under the wheels, and killing him instantly. The other men on the caisson were uninjured. The deceased leaves a family in Richmond.
Henrico (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Wanted.an Overseer. The subscriber, being exempt from militia duty, wished to engage a place as Overseer for the remainder of the year. He has been long accustomed to the business, and can offer the most satisfactory recommendations from persons he has managed for. Address, by leter, "A. B," Glen Allen P. C., Henrico county, Va. ap--3t*
Glen Allen (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
Wanted.an Overseer. The subscriber, being exempt from militia duty, wished to engage a place as Overseer for the remainder of the year. He has been long accustomed to the business, and can offer the most satisfactory recommendations from persons he has managed for. Address, by leter, "A. B," Glen Allen P. C., Henrico county, Va. ap--3t*
For Hire --For the balance of the year, Servant Girl, 14 years old, who is a good and Sows well. Apply to J. F. Meredith, st S. C. Gr 13th st. bet Main and Cary. ap 4--6t*
J. F. Meredith (search for this): article 1
For Hire --For the balance of the year, Servant Girl, 14 years old, who is a good and Sows well. Apply to J. F. Meredith, st S. C. Gr 13th st. bet Main and Cary. ap 4--6t*
For Hire --For the balance of the year, Servant Girl, 14 years old, who is a good and Sows well. Apply to J. F. Meredith, st S. C. Gr 13th st. bet Main and Cary. ap 4--6t*
en session was occupied in the consideration of the Arkansas election case, and the adjourned without coming to any de The following resolution was offered Mr. Foots, of Tenn., dopted; Received, That Mr. Johnston, the contestant, allowed to speak and be heard by this in vindication of his claim, and that Garland, the present occupant, be to speak in reply and close the debate. addition to this two resolutions were to, which we present, the first offered Mr. Gartrell, the other by Mr. Peseins, La. Received, That the Committee on Ways and be instructed to inquire into the expel of providing for the payment of all marshals in the Confederate States for ing the venous for the year 1860, and report bill or otherwise. Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiry be instructed to inquire what legislation is necessary to insure the punishment of mes in the army, and not provided for un the military code, and which have occur in localities surrendered to the enemy.
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