Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 21, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John L. Eubank or search for John L. Eubank in all documents.

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Major Boggs's Battalion. Among the very few who have succeeded in raising battalions or regiments under authority of the Secretary of War, Major Boggs has secured a fine Battalion of four companies, and is now encamped at Camp Lee. It has cost the Major great personal effort, and he deserves, and will doubtless receive, the credit due to his patriotic labors. The commandants of the companies composing his command are: Captains J. V. Brooke, of Fauquler county, Virginia; S. Taylor Martin, of Richmond; John L. Eubank, of Richmond, and Lewis K. Webb, of North Carolina. Two of these companies have received their guns, and the rest will soon be supplied, and in a short time the whole command will be ready for the field. The removal of quartermaster stores, &c., delays the equipment of this command. But for this, it would be one of the most attractive battalions in the service. As it is, it will give a good account of itself when in the field.