Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 26, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for July 21st or search for July 21st in all documents.

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istment. Let it not be said that it was left for Virginia to furnish her quota by resorting to a draft. F. H. Pierpoint, Governor. By the Governor: L. A. Hagans Secretary of the Commonwealth. Yankee account of the Arkansas. Cairo, July 21 --The dispatch boat, which arrived at Memphis on Saturday, brings the following: The reported escape of the rebel plated battery Arkansas is correct. The affair took place on the morning of the 15th. That morning, in consequence ofoming down would soon fill it up sufficiently to stop the current. The labor of widening the canal would almost be equal to that of digging a new one. The Richmond battles in England — a test case of non-interference[from the N. Y. Times, July 21.] No European echoes of American affairs that for a long time have come to us from across the Atlantic, have possessed half the interest that attaches to their views of the late series of great battle in front of Richmond. It was generally f
cting as pickets, were cut off from the main army and retreated this way to Berry's Station. He says that a good many have been killed, but did not know what number. He says they are out of ammunition, and that they want all the forces and arms that can be sent immediately. The country is in the wildest excitement. "Two O'clock.--This messenger confirmed the report of Capt. Glass, of Cincinnati, being killed." Financial. [From the New York Herald July 22. New York, Monday, July 21--6 P. M. To-day's bank statement compares as follows with that of last Monday. Week Ending.Loans.Specie. July 12.$147,997,436$32,098,174 July 19.148,827,42331,926,609 Increase$829,987 Decrease$171,561 Week Ending.Circulation.Deposited. July 12.$9,212,397$127,538,055 July 19.9,153,301129,485,977 Increase$1,946,922 Decrease$57,096 The decrease of specie is less than was generally expected, in view of the recent heavy shipments of coin. Very little or none of the
Capture of a Federal mail steamer--Yankee opinion of the Arkansas. Jackson, Miss., July 21. --Lieut. Col. Ferguson of Starke's cavalry, with two companies and a field battery, had captured and destroyed a Federal mail steamer at Skipwith's Landing, eighty miles above Vicksburg. Col. Ferguson succeeded in obtaining possession of the mail bag from the ship Richmond, en route for Washington. The contents are highly interesting. Yankee letters admit the impossibility of capturing Vicksburg without an immense land force, and admit that the Arkansas whipped them. They evince great terror of the Arkansas. Her appearance round the bend this morning was the signal for a general stampede.--The bombarding continued slowly to- day.
One hundred dollars reward. --$100 reward will be paid for the apprehension and delivery in jail of my two negro men, John miles and Nick Slaughter, who ranaway from my estate, on the Green Mountain, Albemarle county, on Monday, 21st of July. John Miles is 30 years old; six feet high; weighs 180 pounds, and ginger bread color. Nick is the same color and height; not so heavy; stoops a little, and has little beard. If taken in Albemarle I will pay $50, and $100 out of the county. Post-Office; Carter's Bridge, Albemarle county, Va. jy 24--6t* Peyton's. Coles.