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France (France) (search for this): article 1
e Virginia militia, was also taken prisoner, but has not yet arrived. President Davis's demand for Recognition. As regards the sensation report of one of your contemporaries, to the effect that Jeff. Davis has sent a special messenger to France and England, who carries in his portmanteau letters from the French and English Consuls, to prove the ability of the Southern Confederacy to maintain itself, it may be stated positively that if any such missionary has gone, he did not carry any vf Richmond. It was generally fell at the time of their occurrence that their effect in Europe could not fall to be very marked; and those timid souls who have for mouths been preaching up the imminence of intervention, were sure that England and France would interpret those fights as the ordeal of the war, and promptly step in and recognize the Southern Confederacy. As yet, indeed, we have but meagre abstracts of the criticisms of the English press alone; but enough appears to make it suff
Evansville (Indiana, United States) (search for this): article 1
make a "big thing" of it, that by the time the Federals are ready to move Morgan will be on his retreat and a hundred or two hundred miles from here. The Raids of the guerrillas. Cairo July 19 --The steamer General Anderson, from Evansville, has arrived. She passed Henderson, Ky., yesterday forenoon. The rebels had possession of the town. They say they don't intend to interfere with navigation on the river, except Government boats, nor with private property. The number of rebe come to protect the citizens against insults and ruling despotism. They claim to be regular soldiers, not guerrillas. Some commissary stores, belonging to the Government, were captured, and a few soldiers taken. Newburg, ten miles above Evansville, is also in possession of the rebels. News from Tennessee. Nashville, July 16 --Lebanon, Tenn., is in possession of the rebels. The rebels, 800 strong, are at Hartsville. Dr. Rice, Benjamin Daniels, and John Barnes, respe
Kinderhook (New York, United States) (search for this): article 1
en if interpreted as in themselves a reverse, they yet leave the actual situation very much as it was before the event. But, whatever motive may prompt their course, we may regard this event as the test case of the war. Europe is not likely to bear any more news that will put its patience to half the strain which the tidings of the Peninsular battles have done, and which it seems to have borne with such exemplary resignation and equanimity. Ex-President Van-Buren, A dispatch from Kinderhook, dated July 19th, says ex-President Martin Van-Buren was then in sensible and dying. He was in the 81st year of his age. A letter to the New York Tribune says: Previous to the wandering of his mind, and once or twice since, when reason returned, Mr. Van Buren has evinced the most lively and patriotic interest in the affairs of the country. No longer since than Tuesday, when the day before he was hardly expected to survive, he inquired of Dr. Pruyn how the good work of crushing the
Saint Petersburg (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 1
off every soldier who was sick of the service. Members of Congress desired to be popular in their districts, and answered every call upon them. Colonels of regiments and Generals of brigades had the same desire of popularity with their men; and one and all have aided in this depleting process till the sum total of absentees is enormous." Gen. Cameron's Presentation to the Emperor of Russia. [From the Harrisburg Telegraph] From private letters received in this city direct from St. Petersburg, we learn that Gen. Cameron, Minister to Russia, had safely arrived at the capital of the nation, where his legation is established, and that he also had his first interview with the Emperor Alexander. According to the rigid etiquette of the Russian Court, it is not usual for the Emperor to giant an interview until the lapse of some time after the arrival of a Minister, but in this case an audience was almost immediately granted, and the reception made the more cordial by the earnests s
Upper Town (Nevada, United States) (search for this): article 1
the President of the United States, to Secretary Seward, and to Major Gen. Butler. He has done more for the cause of freedom and American nationality than all the other newspaper editors in the State of Louisiana. We trust that President Lincoln will, in some signal way, evince his appreciation of the pluck of this brave editor. Long may The True Delta live. "Red Bill," the terror of New Orleans, was captured on the night of the 7th inst., at Lake Salvador, about twelve miles from Carrolton, by Lieut. Duane and officer May of the Fourth District Police, assisted by Lieut. Finnegas, of the Union Army. He is known to have committed several murders, and is now charged with drowning a German for cheering the Stars and Stripes on their appearance before the city. Three guerrillas were caught at Baton Rouge on the 8th inst., and conveyed to New Orleans. As a result of continuous, day after day reports of National defeats before Richmond, St. Charles street, near the hot
Murfreesboro (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 1
n Barnes, respectable citizens, were hung last night at Tennessee Ridge, twenty-five miles from Nashville, for entertaining men employed in reconstructing telegraph lines. Nashville,July 18--One thousand and forty-six paroled prisoners at Murfreesboro' have arrived. They are mostly of the Michigan Ninth, and some of Hewitt's Battery. There are no commissioned officers. The trains run through to Murfreesboro'. Running the blockade. United States Gunboat Chippewa, Captain BrysonMurfreesboro'. Running the blockade. United States Gunboat Chippewa, Captain Bryson, New Inlet, (Off Wil., N. C.,) July 2, 1862. An English steamer, loaded with heavy guns, &c., arrived here last Friday morning; was partially headed off by the Cambridge and Stars and Stripes, (the only two vessels then here — the Chippewa being at Beaufort for coal and repairs, and the State of Georgia at Fortress Monroe for officers and men,) but succeeded in running ashore near the beach, about a mile from the fort, and for five days, until our arrival last night, was unloading, in pla
Lawrenceburg (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 1
of the enemy very near there. There had been no skirmishing with pickets, and no evidence of Morgan being about, but an attack was momentarily expected. It is true, Morgan has made a demonstration on Frankfort, but it was a feint. From Lawrenceburg he had sent advance guards to Rough and Ready, and even as far as the military institute, within six miles of the city. Here they stopped. They had effected their purpose, creating an uproar and excitement in the capital, which put the peoplat is, if nobody pursued Morgan, and he was allowed his own time to prepare an attack on them. In the meantimes Morgan moved at his leisure through the country. Morgan's forces have been greatly over estimated. He has not, or had not at Lawrenceburg more than 1,000 men. Not more than 700 should be counted in a body by an intelligent scout and allowing for the pickets and scouts, 1,000 would be a large estimate. It is a mistake to suppose he is receiving large accessions from the people o
Pleasants (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 1
t they exercise their discretion as to the most effective means of obtaining volunteers, by holding public meetings and otherwise. Volunteers from the counties east of the Chesapeake bay, and south of the Rappahannock river, and cast of the Blue Ridge, will rendezvous at Norfolk, and from the residue of counties east of the Blue Ridge at Alexandria. Those from the Valley district will rendezvous at Martinsburg; and those from the Wheeling Congressional district, (except the county of Pleasants) at Wheeling and Grafton. Those furnished by the residue of the counties of the State will rendezvous at Charleston, Guyandotte, Parkersburg, and Clarksburg, as may be most convenient. A premium of $2 will be paid for each accepted volunteer, and upon his acceptance by the regimental surgeon $25, (part of the $100 bounty,) and $13, (one month's pay,) will be advanced, thus enabling the volunteer to leave $38 with his family or friends, should be desire to do so. Loyal men of Vir
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): article 1
celess legacy bequeathed us by our fathers. Your sister States are nobly responding by voluntary enlistment. Let it not be said that it was left for Virginia to furnish her quota by resorting to a draft. F. H. Pierpoint, Governor. By the Governor: L. A. Hagans Secretary of the Commonwealth. Yankee account of the Arkansas. Cairo, July 21 --The dispatch boat, which arrived at Memphis on Saturday, brings the following: The reported escape of the rebel plated battery Arkansas is correct. The affair took place on the morning of the 15th. That morning, in consequence of reports brought by refugees that the Arkansas was about to attempt to run by the Union fleet, the gunboats Carondelet and Tyler and ram Lancaster started up the Yazoo to reconnoitre.--When eight miles from the month they came suddenly upon the Arkansas, lying under the bank. As our boats rounded the bend she opened upon them with sixty-eight-pounders. Our gunboats returned the fire, and for
Versailles (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 1
e people on the defensive. They didn't think of taking the offensive. Then Morgan turned east, crossed the Kentucky river at Saryock's Station, and marched to Versailles, which is about equidistant from Franklin and Lexington. There he stayed Monday night. Finding the coast clear, he next day moved north to Midway Station, on te Grass region with the independence and freedom of a Bedouin Arab across the desert. He obtained but twenty-five recruits in Henderson county, and not many in Versailles. I hear that he has received considerable accessions from Owen county, one of the most pestilent holes in the State, but, there is no general rising. The isperse his gang, are squatted down on the hills about Frankfort and Lexington, John slips between, destroys bridges and interrupts communications. Why, when at Versailles, his men so fagged out that they slept in the streets, with their horses' bridles on their arms, was not a movement made simultaneously from Frankfort, Lexingto
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