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mond to Texas to be not more than 300,000 men. Before General McClellan's change of base, gold was worth 100 per cent, more t The Times declares that "the strategical movements of Gen. McClellan are purely unintelligible." That may very possibly be, but it can hardly expect that Gen. McClellan is bound to furnish it not only with great battles, but with brains to underst with the Times, its proteges the rebels, do not find General McClellan's "strategical movements" altogether "unintelligibleto learn if the public confidence in the President and Gen. McClellan was yet firm and unshaken, as he thought it should be. has the utmost confidence in the military ability of General McClellan, of whom he is an old and warm personal friend, and i Post: "The President found on his late visit to General McClellan that seventy thousand of the troops taken to the Peni more than forty thousand are dead, wounded or sick. General McClellan expressed the opinion to the President that more than
States the Federals hold only the ground they stand upon. The hostility of the population in the neighborhood both of McClellan and Halleck is admitted by every soldier in the two armies. In an enemy's country, which is desolated by the Confederaly arrive, and of the menacing attitude which they consequently assume. On the other hand, it is beyond a doubt that Gen. McClellan urgently demands fresh troops, which the Washington Government is unable to supply in numbers sufficiently large. Alns, and in penetrating at so many distinct points into the great Southern territory, that the army of the Potomac, as Gen. McClellan's force is so called, is, in all probability, inferior numerically to the army which defends Richmond; while the rese various States for fresh troops; and this fact, taken in connection with the season of the year, and the inactivity of McClellan, seems to show that the Virginia campaign is likely now to languish until both sides have gathered fresh strength in th
The lines East of the Blue Ridge. Our advices from Gordonsville yesterday represent that everything continued quiet, the enemy having made no further demonstration above Richmond since his harmless dash upon the Central Railroad on Wednesday last. Gen. Pope has accumulated an army of over 30,000 men in the counties immediately this side of the Blue Ridge, and evidently designs some offensive operation, the nature of which may shortly transpire. A gentleman who came through Caroline county a day or two since informs us that he saw no Federal soldiers on his route, but this is no indication that they have withdrawn from that part of the country. We may add that the enemy has now but very few troops in Washington, Baltimore, or Annapolis, nearly all the available men having been sent to reinforce Pope and McClellan.
The Daily Dispatch: July 26, 1862., [Electronic resource], Origin of the Yankee phrase "Skedaddle." (search)
Origin of the Yankee phrase "Skedaddle." A friend of ours says that this phrase, apparently invented by the Yankees, in a prophetic spirit, to describe their own predestined performances in that part of the drill which is inaugurated by the command "right about face," is certainly derived from "skedase," the future tense of the Greek verb "skedonnumi," signifying "to disperse. " This verb, in some of its tenses, is frequently used by Homer to describe that manœuvre called by McClellan "a change of base," or "a strategic movement," and known by others, not so conversant in military operations, as "a headlong flight," We found some difficulty in accounting for the manner in which the Yankee soldiers had contrived to pick up so much Greek; but our classical friend had a solution ready for the occasion. He thinks the phrase was not invented by the soldiers, but by some wild college boy, who used it to express the scattering of a company of boys engaged in some mischievous prank w
res blank,) one hundred and --thousand men, and I can only find just half that many now. Where can they have gone? Burnside accounts to me for every man he has taken — so many killed in battle; so many wounded; so many sick in the hospitals; so many absent on furlough. So does Mitchell. So does Buell, and so others; but I can't tell what has become of half the Army I've sent down to the Peninsula." Baxter's fire Zouaves. The correspondent of the New York Tribune, writing from Gen. McClellan's camp, alludes to the "Fire Zouaves," of New York city, as follows: I saw the Seventy-second Pennsylvania, Colonel Baxter, on parade at sunset to-day. This regiment consists of fifteen companies, and has now 972 on duty in the ranks, notwithstanding a loss of 157 at the battle of Savage's Station, where it was the longest in the fight and suffered the severest of all the regiments engaged. Appearing to-night in new clothing and with such numbers as to look like a brigade, a fine