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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 6, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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August 25th (search for this): article 9
untry, imprisoning our old and venerated men — even the ministers of God--insulting our women, and desecrating our altars. It is our ground lot to be assigned the duty of punishing and driving forth these deluded men, led by desperate adventurers, and goaded on by Abolition demagogues and demons. Let us but deserve success and an offended De will certainly assure it. we be opposed, we must fight at any and conquer at any sacrifice. Should the foe we must follow him rapidly to his own territory, and make him taste the hitter of invasion. Soldiers! the enemy is before you and your banners are free. It is for you to decide whether our brothers and sisters of Tennessee and Kentucky shall remain bondmen and bondwomen of the abolition tyrant, or be restored to the freedom inherited from their fathers. By command of General Bragg. Geo. C. Garner, Ass't Adj't-Gen'l. John M. Otey, A. A. G. General Bragg crossed the Tennessee river with his army on the 25th of August.
Orders from Gen. Bragg. --The following general order was issued on the 25th ult. by Gen. Bragg to his brave troops, who, it will be seen, are ordered "to be in readiness to move at an hour's notice." Therefore stirring news may be expected from that quarter in a few days: Headq'rs Department No. 2, Chattanooga, Tenn., August 25, 1862. General Orders, No. 124. The troops of this command will be in readiness to move at an hour's notice. Ample time for preparation having been allowed, and everything necessary having been promptly supplied, the General trusts the movement will be made with that alacrity and regularity which can alone inspire confidence. The enemy is before us, devastating our fair country, imprisoning our old and venerated men — even the ministers of God--insulting our women, and desecrating our altars. It is our ground lot to be assigned the duty of punishing and driving forth these deluded men, led by desperate adventurers, and goaded on by Ab
John M. Otey (search for this): article 9
untry, imprisoning our old and venerated men — even the ministers of God--insulting our women, and desecrating our altars. It is our ground lot to be assigned the duty of punishing and driving forth these deluded men, led by desperate adventurers, and goaded on by Abolition demagogues and demons. Let us but deserve success and an offended De will certainly assure it. we be opposed, we must fight at any and conquer at any sacrifice. Should the foe we must follow him rapidly to his own territory, and make him taste the hitter of invasion. Soldiers! the enemy is before you and your banners are free. It is for you to decide whether our brothers and sisters of Tennessee and Kentucky shall remain bondmen and bondwomen of the abolition tyrant, or be restored to the freedom inherited from their fathers. By command of General Bragg. Geo. C. Garner, Ass't Adj't-Gen'l. John M. Otey, A. A. G. General Bragg crossed the Tennessee river with his army on the 25th of August.
George C. Garner (search for this): article 9
untry, imprisoning our old and venerated men — even the ministers of God--insulting our women, and desecrating our altars. It is our ground lot to be assigned the duty of punishing and driving forth these deluded men, led by desperate adventurers, and goaded on by Abolition demagogues and demons. Let us but deserve success and an offended De will certainly assure it. we be opposed, we must fight at any and conquer at any sacrifice. Should the foe we must follow him rapidly to his own territory, and make him taste the hitter of invasion. Soldiers! the enemy is before you and your banners are free. It is for you to decide whether our brothers and sisters of Tennessee and Kentucky shall remain bondmen and bondwomen of the abolition tyrant, or be restored to the freedom inherited from their fathers. By command of General Bragg. Geo. C. Garner, Ass't Adj't-Gen'l. John M. Otey, A. A. G. General Bragg crossed the Tennessee river with his army on the 25th of August.
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): article 9
untry, imprisoning our old and venerated men — even the ministers of God--insulting our women, and desecrating our altars. It is our ground lot to be assigned the duty of punishing and driving forth these deluded men, led by desperate adventurers, and goaded on by Abolition demagogues and demons. Let us but deserve success and an offended De will certainly assure it. we be opposed, we must fight at any and conquer at any sacrifice. Should the foe we must follow him rapidly to his own territory, and make him taste the hitter of invasion. Soldiers! the enemy is before you and your banners are free. It is for you to decide whether our brothers and sisters of Tennessee and Kentucky shall remain bondmen and bondwomen of the abolition tyrant, or be restored to the freedom inherited from their fathers. By command of General Bragg. Geo. C. Garner, Ass't Adj't-Gen'l. John M. Otey, A. A. G. General Bragg crossed the Tennessee river with his army on the 25th of August.
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 9
untry, imprisoning our old and venerated men — even the ministers of God--insulting our women, and desecrating our altars. It is our ground lot to be assigned the duty of punishing and driving forth these deluded men, led by desperate adventurers, and goaded on by Abolition demagogues and demons. Let us but deserve success and an offended De will certainly assure it. we be opposed, we must fight at any and conquer at any sacrifice. Should the foe we must follow him rapidly to his own territory, and make him taste the hitter of invasion. Soldiers! the enemy is before you and your banners are free. It is for you to decide whether our brothers and sisters of Tennessee and Kentucky shall remain bondmen and bondwomen of the abolition tyrant, or be restored to the freedom inherited from their fathers. By command of General Bragg. Geo. C. Garner, Ass't Adj't-Gen'l. John M. Otey, A. A. G. General Bragg crossed the Tennessee river with his army on the 25th of August.
Varina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 9
Did not go. --There being no boats at Varina to take away the 2,000 Yankees who were to have left yesterday, their departure was delayed in consequence.
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