Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 18, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for J. Holt or search for J. Holt in all documents.

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y instructs me to say that to the writ of habeas corpus, issued by Chief Justice Pell (Bell) you should return these facts as your warrant for holding the prisoner in custody. Should any attempt be made, after the return, to release the prisoner by the civil authority, which is not anticipated, the Secretary directs that you appeal for support and protection in the discharge of your duties to the military force of the United States in your vicinity. Very respectfully, your ob't servant. J. Holt, Judge Advocate Gen. The New Hampshire Patriotreports the decision thus: After argument by counsel, the Chief Justice said that it seemed to him inexpedient, and useless to the prisoner, to issue an order for an attachment which could not be enforced; that the Government of the United States had plainly expressed its determination to resist by force any attempt of the civil authority to deliver the prisoner, and that he received this not as a threat, but as the announcement