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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 18, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Meade or search for Meade in all documents.

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ied: "Now you are only blowing." Rebel Gentleman.--I am a prisoner by the mischance of war, for it is one of the misfortunes of war to become a prisoner, and I hope you will not insult me. We are entirely at your mercy, and ask only that you treat us like men. We have been treated well by your soldiers, and though we don't expect citizens to act like soldiers do to each other.yet we hope that you will not unprovokedly insult us. Citizen — You shouldn't mind that remark; it was only Meade by a boy. Rebel.--Our soldiers always treat your prisoners well, sir. Citizen.--Not at Richmond! Rebel.--In Richmond the Citizens may have treated the Federal prisoners badly, but I am sure the soldiers could not do it, for, as far as my observation extends — and it has been large — the soldiers on both sides uniformly treat their prisoners kindly. Citizen.--What division of the rebel army were you in? Rebel.--I was in General A P. Hill's division, sir, and General J<