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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 25, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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Moses Davenport (search for this): article 2
Cage Cases. --Officer Seal arrested and committed to the cage yesterday evening a man called John McGinness, who passed under the alias of John Lee and Moses Davenport for stealing a horse valued at $400 from Lieut, J. S. Dorsett and another from Capt. Lewis J. Hawley, valued at $250 It appears that McGinness came in the city at an early hour yesterday, with Dorsett's horse, which he sold for $165 to Mr. Thomas Duke, at which time he promised to bring another one in the evening. In the meantime Dorsett appeared, identified claimed, and received his horse. When the thief came sack he brought Capt. Hawley's horse, which he also offered for sale, when he was seized by Mr. Duke and held till officer Seal arrived. McGinness disclaimed having ever belonged to the Wise Mounted Guard, commanded by Capt Hawley.--The officers are of opinion that he has been engaged in the business so opportunely broken up for some time past.
Cage Cases. --Officer Seal arrested and committed to the cage yesterday evening a man called John McGinness, who passed under the alias of John Lee and Moses Davenport for stealing a horse valued at $400 from Lieut, J. S. Dorsett and another from Capt. Lewis J. Hawley, valued at $250 It appears that McGinness came in the city at an early hour yesterday, with Dorsett's horse, which he sold for $165 to Mr. Thomas Duke, at which time he promised to bring another one in the evening. In the meame he promised to bring another one in the evening. In the meantime Dorsett appeared, identified claimed, and received his horse. When the thief came sack he brought Capt. Hawley's horse, which he also offered for sale, when he was seized by Mr. Duke and held till officer Seal arrived. McGinness disclaimed having ever belonged to the Wise Mounted Guard, commanded by Capt Hawley.--The officers are of opinion that he has been engaged in the business so opportunely broken up for some time past.
J. S. Dorsett (search for this): article 2
Cage Cases. --Officer Seal arrested and committed to the cage yesterday evening a man called John McGinness, who passed under the alias of John Lee and Moses Davenport for stealing a horse valued at $400 from Lieut, J. S. Dorsett and another from Capt. Lewis J. Hawley, valued at $250 It appears that McGinness came in the city at an early hour yesterday, with Dorsett's horse, which he sold for $165 to Mr. Thomas Duke, at which time he promised to bring another one in the evening. In the meDorsett's horse, which he sold for $165 to Mr. Thomas Duke, at which time he promised to bring another one in the evening. In the meantime Dorsett appeared, identified claimed, and received his horse. When the thief came sack he brought Capt. Hawley's horse, which he also offered for sale, when he was seized by Mr. Duke and held till officer Seal arrived. McGinness disclaimed having ever belonged to the Wise Mounted Guard, commanded by Capt Hawley.--The officers are of opinion that he has been engaged in the business so opportunely broken up for some time past.
John McGinness (search for this): article 2
Cage Cases. --Officer Seal arrested and committed to the cage yesterday evening a man called John McGinness, who passed under the alias of John Lee and Moses Davenport for stealing a horse valued at $400 from Lieut, J. S. Dorsett and another from Capt. Lewis J. Hawley, valued at $250 It appears that McGinness came in the city at an early hour yesterday, with Dorsett's horse, which he sold for $165 to Mr. Thomas Duke, at which time he promised to bring another one in the evening. In the meantime Dorsett appeared, identified claimed, and received his horse. When the thief came sack he brought Capt. Hawley's horse, which he also offered for sale, when he was seized by Mr. Duke and held till officer Seal arrived. McGinness disclaimed having ever belonged to the Wise Mounted Guard, commanded by Capt Hawley.--The officers are of opinion that he has been engaged in the business so opportunely broken up for some time past.
Lewis J. Hawley (search for this): article 2
d John McGinness, who passed under the alias of John Lee and Moses Davenport for stealing a horse valued at $400 from Lieut, J. S. Dorsett and another from Capt. Lewis J. Hawley, valued at $250 It appears that McGinness came in the city at an early hour yesterday, with Dorsett's horse, which he sold for $165 to Mr. Thomas Duke, at romised to bring another one in the evening. In the meantime Dorsett appeared, identified claimed, and received his horse. When the thief came sack he brought Capt. Hawley's horse, which he also offered for sale, when he was seized by Mr. Duke and held till officer Seal arrived. McGinness disclaimed having ever belonged to the WCapt. Hawley's horse, which he also offered for sale, when he was seized by Mr. Duke and held till officer Seal arrived. McGinness disclaimed having ever belonged to the Wise Mounted Guard, commanded by Capt Hawley.--The officers are of opinion that he has been engaged in the business so opportunely broken up for some time past.
November 23rd (search for this): article 2
North Carolina Legislature. Raleigh, Nov. 23. --Curtis H. Brogden was reelected Comptroller of Public Accounts yesterday by a unanimous vote. He was the nominee of the Conservative caucus. The same caucus have nominated Jonathan Worth, of Randolph, for Public Treasurer, and J. P. H. Ruiss, of Wake, for Secretary of State. The old functionaries, Daniel W. Cowits and Rufus H. Page, are to walk the plank. Augustus S. Merryman, of Buncombe, has been elected Solicitor for the 7th Circuit, and Jesse J. Yeates, of Hertford, Solicitor for the 1st Circuit. All quiet below.
North Carolina Legislature. Raleigh, Nov. 23. --Curtis H. Brogden was reelected Comptroller of Public Accounts yesterday by a unanimous vote. He was the nominee of the Conservative caucus. The same caucus have nominated Jonathan Worth, of Randolph, for Public Treasurer, and J. P. H. Ruiss, of Wake, for Secretary of State. The old functionaries, Daniel W. Cowits and Rufus H. Page, are to walk the plank. Augustus S. Merryman, of Buncombe, has been elected Solicitor for the 7th Circuit, and Jesse J. Yeates, of Hertford, Solicitor for the 1st Circuit. All quiet below.
Curtis H. Brogden (search for this): article 2
North Carolina Legislature. Raleigh, Nov. 23. --Curtis H. Brogden was reelected Comptroller of Public Accounts yesterday by a unanimous vote. He was the nominee of the Conservative caucus. The same caucus have nominated Jonathan Worth, of Randolph, for Public Treasurer, and J. P. H. Ruiss, of Wake, for Secretary of State. The old functionaries, Daniel W. Cowits and Rufus H. Page, are to walk the plank. Augustus S. Merryman, of Buncombe, has been elected Solicitor for the 7th Circuit, and Jesse J. Yeates, of Hertford, Solicitor for the 1st Circuit. All quiet below.
Jesse J. Yeates (search for this): article 2
North Carolina Legislature. Raleigh, Nov. 23. --Curtis H. Brogden was reelected Comptroller of Public Accounts yesterday by a unanimous vote. He was the nominee of the Conservative caucus. The same caucus have nominated Jonathan Worth, of Randolph, for Public Treasurer, and J. P. H. Ruiss, of Wake, for Secretary of State. The old functionaries, Daniel W. Cowits and Rufus H. Page, are to walk the plank. Augustus S. Merryman, of Buncombe, has been elected Solicitor for the 7th Circuit, and Jesse J. Yeates, of Hertford, Solicitor for the 1st Circuit. All quiet below.
J. P. H. Ruiss (search for this): article 2
North Carolina Legislature. Raleigh, Nov. 23. --Curtis H. Brogden was reelected Comptroller of Public Accounts yesterday by a unanimous vote. He was the nominee of the Conservative caucus. The same caucus have nominated Jonathan Worth, of Randolph, for Public Treasurer, and J. P. H. Ruiss, of Wake, for Secretary of State. The old functionaries, Daniel W. Cowits and Rufus H. Page, are to walk the plank. Augustus S. Merryman, of Buncombe, has been elected Solicitor for the 7th Circuit, and Jesse J. Yeates, of Hertford, Solicitor for the 1st Circuit. All quiet below.
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