Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 11, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for March, 12 AD or search for March, 12 AD in all documents.

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ui has entered by the Attorney for the Commonwealth in the case of Charles Foster alias Charles Rigley, charged with grand larceny. John E. Brook and Warwick M. Woodward qualified as deputies of the High Constable, by taking the several oaths required by law. Elizabeth Hillyard was fined $10 for permitting her slave Milly to go at large and hire herself out contrary to law. Claiborne Murray, a lad, was examined for stealing $500 in C. S. Treasury notes from John Kloss, on the 3d of December. After hearing the evidence the defendant was discharged by the Court. Thomas Jones and Beverly Cousins, free negroes, were tried, the first for having, on the 19th of November, stolen one calf skin of the alleged value of $30, the property of Lewis Gimmi, and the latter for receiving the same. At the valuation put on the calf skin the parties would have been guilty of grand larceny if convicted, but the Court putting aside the fictitious valuation proceeded to try Jones for pet