Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 15, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Samuel C. Tardy or search for Samuel C. Tardy in all documents.

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object. That both were used by Duff and his comrades, was proved to the satisfaction of the jury who tried the case. Defendant being found guilty, was sentenced to three months imprisonment. Mr. Beverley R. Wellford, Jr., addressed the Court at some length in support of an application submitted by him for a new trial in the case of the girl Margaret, tried on Monday, and sentenced to be hung on the 9th day of January next, for the murder of Frances Deane Tardy, infant child of Mr. Samuel C. Tardy, whose nurse she was. Mr. Wellford contended that the verdict of guilty against his client was not based on any actual evidence of her guilt, but on the opinions of the physicians summoned in the case, that death would ensue under a given state of things, and that these were apparent. The Court refused to grant a new hearing of the case. The Court entered an order calling the attention of the City Council to the insecure condition of the Jail: its total incapacity, with all the