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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: December 17, 1862., [Electronic resource].

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... 15 16 17 18 19 20
Thomas J. Corbia (search for this): article 5
rosining about the streets in male attire and stealing a coat from Dr. Lynch. She was brought into Court in the toggery in which she fell into the hands of the watch. It was stated that she had absented herself from her master about six months ago, prior to which time she had often exhibited the symptoms of a crazy mind. She was sent to jail to be called for. Emma, slave of Jno. Wheeler, was tried for stealing two coats, worth $50, from John Cross, and acquitted. Hustings Court, Tuesday, Dec. 16th.--Judge Wm. H. Lyons presiding.--Sunday wills were admitted, to probate, and a small amount of civil business done, when the Court proceeded to try a habeas corpus case brought up by Messrs. John H. Gilmer and Samuel Byles, on behalf of Thos. J. Corbia, Asa C. Hasle, and Henry C. Hurdle, patties confined in Castle Lightning as suspicious characters. After the case was partly argued, it was, on motion, continued till Thursday for another hearing. The Court sits again to-day.
Asa C. Hasle (search for this): article 5
r rosining about the streets in male attire and stealing a coat from Dr. Lynch. She was brought into Court in the toggery in which she fell into the hands of the watch. It was stated that she had absented herself from her master about six months ago, prior to which time she had often exhibited the symptoms of a crazy mind. She was sent to jail to be called for. Emma, slave of Jno. Wheeler, was tried for stealing two coats, worth $50, from John Cross, and acquitted. Hustings Court, Tuesday, Dec. 16th.--Judge Wm. H. Lyons presiding.--Sunday wills were admitted, to probate, and a small amount of civil business done, when the Court proceeded to try a habeas corpus case brought up by Messrs. John H. Gilmer and Samuel Byles, on behalf of Thos. J. Corbia, Asa C. Hasle, and Henry C. Hurdle, patties confined in Castle Lightning as suspicious characters. After the case was partly argued, it was, on motion, continued till Thursday for another hearing. The Court sits again to-day.
Henry C. Hurdle (search for this): article 5
rosining about the streets in male attire and stealing a coat from Dr. Lynch. She was brought into Court in the toggery in which she fell into the hands of the watch. It was stated that she had absented herself from her master about six months ago, prior to which time she had often exhibited the symptoms of a crazy mind. She was sent to jail to be called for. Emma, slave of Jno. Wheeler, was tried for stealing two coats, worth $50, from John Cross, and acquitted. Hustings Court, Tuesday, Dec. 16th.--Judge Wm. H. Lyons presiding.--Sunday wills were admitted, to probate, and a small amount of civil business done, when the Court proceeded to try a habeas corpus case brought up by Messrs. John H. Gilmer and Samuel Byles, on behalf of Thos. J. Corbia, Asa C. Hasle, and Henry C. Hurdle, patties confined in Castle Lightning as suspicious characters. After the case was partly argued, it was, on motion, continued till Thursday for another hearing. The Court sits again to-day.
Henrico (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
$15 from Richard Reins, was heard and again continued, the principal witness being still absent. George R. Courtney, a soldier, arrested by the watch for drunkenness, was charged with stealing a coat from Jack White, a runaway negro, confined in the same cell of the cage with him. The Mayor sent him to the Provost Marshal. Joseph Cregar was arraigned for the murder of Michael Horan. The affair, which has often been alluded to in the papers, occurred a few weeks age at a place in Henrico a short distance from the corporation line. The witnesses, who had testified on former occasions, when other parties were brought up for the murder, did not answer to their names when called, and it was stated in Court that the most material of them had made their way to Baltimore, and were beyond the reach of the process of the Court. The Mayor said he had heard enough of Cregar's action to justify him in refusing ball — The case was continued for ten days. Edward Boasman, a free ne
Montgomery County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 5
es were brought up for the murder, did not answer to their names when called, and it was stated in Court that the most material of them had made their way to Baltimore, and were beyond the reach of the process of the Court. The Mayor said he had heard enough of Cregar's action to justify him in refusing ball — The case was continued for ten days. Edward Boasman, a free negro, caught by the watch without a certificate, was committed to jail. Caroline, slave of John Amos, of Montgomery county, Va., was arrested for rosining about the streets in male attire and stealing a coat from Dr. Lynch. She was brought into Court in the toggery in which she fell into the hands of the watch. It was stated that she had absented herself from her master about six months ago, prior to which time she had often exhibited the symptoms of a crazy mind. She was sent to jail to be called for. Emma, slave of Jno. Wheeler, was tried for stealing two coats, worth $50, from John Cross, and acqui
December 15th (search for this): article 5
The Railroad Convention. Augusta, Dec. 15. --The Convention of railroad officials met here this morning. Business committees were appointed, and the Convention then adjourned until to-morrow.
December 15th (search for this): article 6
Yankee gunboats near Charleston. Charleston, Dec. 15. --The enemy's gunboats have again been shelling James Island at intervals to-day, without effect.
James Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 6
Yankee gunboats near Charleston. Charleston, Dec. 15. --The enemy's gunboats have again been shelling James Island at intervals to-day, without effect.
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