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E. W. Russell 58 0 Browse Search
A. T. Caperton 50 0 Browse Search
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J. B. Floyd 22 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 19, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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J. Monroe Carter (search for this): article 1
Twenty five dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber on Friday, the 16th of january 1863, a negro man named Griffin.--The said live is about 28 years of age, dark brown skin, five feet or six inches high, and his left arm than his liable having been broken when young. Griffin was formerly owned by Ho. love. of Chapel Hill, H. G, who sold him to J. Monroe Carter of Richmond, Va, on the 6th of October, 1862. I will give the above reward for the capture and return to me of said slave, or for his confinement in jail, so that I get him again. H. D. Dickenson. ja 9--3t*
H. D. Dickenson (search for this): article 1
Twenty five dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber on Friday, the 16th of january 1863, a negro man named Griffin.--The said live is about 28 years of age, dark brown skin, five feet or six inches high, and his left arm than his liable having been broken when young. Griffin was formerly owned by Ho. love. of Chapel Hill, H. G, who sold him to J. Monroe Carter of Richmond, Va, on the 6th of October, 1862. I will give the above reward for the capture and return to me of said slave, or for his confinement in jail, so that I get him again. H. D. Dickenson. ja 9--3t*
Chapel Hill, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 1
Twenty five dollars reward. --Ranaway from the subscriber on Friday, the 16th of january 1863, a negro man named Griffin.--The said live is about 28 years of age, dark brown skin, five feet or six inches high, and his left arm than his liable having been broken when young. Griffin was formerly owned by Ho. love. of Chapel Hill, H. G, who sold him to J. Monroe Carter of Richmond, Va, on the 6th of October, 1862. I will give the above reward for the capture and return to me of said slave, or for his confinement in jail, so that I get him again. H. D. Dickenson. ja 9--3t*
Dead. --Judge W. W. Holl, of Augusta, Ga., died there on the 14th inst. He was a native of Virginia, and was an officer in the war of 1862.
Dead. --Judge W. W. Holl, of Augusta, Ga., died there on the 14th inst. He was a native of Virginia, and was an officer in the war of 1862.
W. W. Holl (search for this): article 11
Dead. --Judge W. W. Holl, of Augusta, Ga., died there on the 14th inst. He was a native of Virginia, and was an officer in the war of 1862.
John J. Allen (search for this): article 13
ceived, 7, Caperton 5, Rives 3, Floyd 30 scattering . There being no choice, the name of Mr. Floyd was dropped, under the ruler. Mr. Woolfolk nominated Judge John J. Allen--Mr. Ste, of Patrick feeling that neither of the gentlemen already in nomination could be elected, with a view to harmonize the House, placed in nomination Hour Alexander of Jefferson. Mr. , of stated that in a conversation with Judge Allen the evening previous, that gentleman and expressed the desire that his name should, not again be brought forward as a candidate, whereupon Mr. Woolfolk withdrew his nomination but expressed his determination to vote for him, and hoped the Hoformed of the nomination of Mr. Boteler, and the roll called upon the eleventh ballot resulted as follows: Caperton 35; Russell, 33 Rives, 2 Floyd, 6; Soldier, 5; Allen, 3, John Letcher . The committee reported to the Senate and the joint vote was : Russell 54; Caperton, 47; Rives, 26; 6; scattering, 13.-- who is number of votes c
Walter Preston (search for this): article 13
a few minutes, when Mr. Richard of Mer nomination Hon. Walter Preston, of Washington, and the was taken: Russell, 40, Caperton, 46, Preston, 20; scattering, 3 . The joint vote was: Russell, ; Caperton, 64; Preston, 24; scattering, 3--necessary toPreston, 24; scattering, 3--necessary to a choice . There being no choice the Speaker announced that under the rules the of Mr. Preston would be dropped. Mr. RMr. Preston would be dropped. Mr. Richardson re-nominated Hon. Walter Preston. The result of the seventeenth ballot stood; Russell, 40; Caperton, 48; PrestHon. Walter Preston. The result of the seventeenth ballot stood; Russell, 40; Caperton, 48; Preston, 17; scattering, 2. On joint vote the whole number cast was 145--necessary to a choice, 73--of which Russell received , CPreston, 17; scattering, 2. On joint vote the whole number cast was 145--necessary to a choice, 73--of which Russell received , Caperton 64, Preston 21, scattering 3. offered a resolution, of the The resolution was communicated to the SenatePreston 21, scattering 3. offered a resolution, of the The resolution was communicated to the Senate, and that body concurring in the same, the House adjourned until the hour above indicated. Evening Session.--Agreeable been no choice of Senator on the last ballot the name of Mr. Preston was dropped. The Clerk called the roll and announced th
Allen T. Caperton (search for this): article 13
the election of senator. The roll being called, the 9th resulted: For Caperton--Messrs. A'darson, Armstrong, Earl, Francis, Carraway Jr. Christian of Augustay, Wilson, and Bales--7; On necessary to 73, of which (on joint ballot) Caperton received 57; Russell, 47; Floyd, 5. The young continued, with varying rehe voting commenced, with the following result: Senate.House.Total. Caperton205878 Russell121123 Tucker13738 Marshall8008 Scattering0011 41107148 Hon. A. T. Caperton, of Monroe, having received a majority of the votes cast, was declared the successor of Hon. Wm. Ballard . The following is the vote in thees cast, 14 ; necessary to a choice, 73--of which E. W. Russell received 7, A. T. Caperton, 17; J. B. Floyd, 35; scattering 5--There being no choice, Mr. Floyd was drRussell, 23; scattering 8. Whole number, 187; necessary to a choice, 7 Hon. Allen T. Caperton, of Monroe, having received a majority of all the votes cast, was decla
Richardson (search for this): article 13
scattering, 12--necessary to a choice, 76.--There , the roll was called for the ballot. Mr. Robinson addressed the House a few minutes, when Mr. Richard of Mer nomination Hon. Walter Preston, of Washington, and the was taken: Russell, 40, Caperton, 46, Preston, 20; scattering, 3 . The joint vote was: Russell, ; Caperton, 64; Preston, 24; scattering, 3--necessary to a choice . There being no choice the Speaker announced that under the rules the of Mr. Preston would be dropped. Mr. Richardson re-nominated Hon. Walter Preston. The result of the seventeenth ballot stood; Russell, 40; Caperton, 48; Preston, 17; scattering, 2. On joint vote the whole number cast was 145--necessary to a choice, 73--of which Russell received , Caperton 64, Preston 21, scattering 3. offered a resolution, of the The resolution was communicated to the Senate, and that body concurring in the same, the House adjourned until the hour above indicated. Evening Session.--Agreeable to
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