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France (France) (search for this): article 3
as President of the United States will hardly be less than that of Louis Napoleon as Emperor of France. Our whole political system of the peace establishment — including the subordination of the Fedther resistance to the Federal Government is worse than useless — Accept the friendly offices of France in behalf of your submission to the Union or prepare for the consequences. But in every view ofd by the Federal Government give as the motive for the expulsion of M. Theron, Consular Agent of France, and the Consul of Spain at Galveston, an ill advised step taken in virtue of secret instruction and to abstain from all intervention with the political affairs of the country. The Consuls of France in the United States have, besides, been all directed to forward analogous recommendations to thB. Magruder. His chivalry and integrity are sufficient protection against any injustice. B. Theron. Consular Agent for France, Vice Consul for Spain, and Acting Consul for Portugal and Italy.
Galveston (Texas, United States) (search for this): article 3
were intercepted and published by the Federal Government give as the motive for the expulsion of M. Theron, Consular Agent of France, and the Consul of Spain at Galveston, an ill advised step taken in virtue of secret instructions, emanating from the Department of Foreign Affairs, or from the Emperors Minister in Mexico. We have er of the agent incriminated. M. Theron, who left Europe twenty years ago, to take up his residence in Texas, is neither Consul, nor even paid Consular Agent at Galveston. The honorary functions with which he was invested in 1850 make him a simple delegate of the Consul at New Orleans, and under that title he has never correspondidental circumstance, had awakened the suspicious of a Confederate Senator, did not seem to him to merit serious attention. Mr. Theron, the Consul named at Galveston, has issued the following address "to the French, Spanish and Italian subjects, in the counties of Colorado, Austin, and Fayette:" Dear Friends: Marti
United States (United States) (search for this): article 3
aham Lincoln as a Dictator — Bennett on his Knees to the future Ozar of the United States. The New York Herald, of the 27th, has the following article on Abraham's prospects for the Dictatorship of the United States: The important measures which have lately passed, and others which are now under consideration in the two a Dictator. The scope of his authority and discretion as President of the United States will hardly be less than that of Louis Napoleon as Emperor of France. Our as passed, places under the control of the President all the militia of the United States for the purposes of the war. The Banking bill, which has passed, and the Trncident by which, according to its assertion, the Government of the Confederate States of America has been thrown into agitation, and in which some French agents areon with the political affairs of the country. The Consuls of France in the United States have, besides, been all directed to forward analogous recommendations to th
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
The rebels are actively engaged in making raids on the north side of the Rappehannock. It is said that on the night of the 25th the picket guard on the Chantilly road out from Centreville was pounced upon and all but one captured by a hundred rebels after firing two rounds. It also says that on the same night a party crossed at Kelly's mill and threatened Stafford Court-House; that quite a large body occupy Warrenton, and that Stonewall Jackson is pushing up the Valley towards Strasburg. Gen. Hunter, in South Carolinas, has peremptorily ordered the staff of Gen. Foster to leave his department and proceed North by the first steamer. He has also put Gen. Stevenson, of Foster's corps, under arrest for stating in conversation that he objected to the employment of negro troops in the Government service, and that he (Stevenson) would as soon be beat as employ them as soldiers. Inasmuch as Gen. Foster has been to Washington and returned to Port Royal again it is supposed
Chantilly (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
e are prepared to sustain these war measures of Congress and to support the President even as a temporary Dictator. Let us support him, and all that we have lost may be restored; but if we abandon him, all that we have may be lost. General Yankee News. The New York Herald, in its "Situation" article of the 27th ult., says: The rebels are actively engaged in making raids on the north side of the Rappehannock. It is said that on the night of the 25th the picket guard on the Chantilly road out from Centreville was pounced upon and all but one captured by a hundred rebels after firing two rounds. It also says that on the same night a party crossed at Kelly's mill and threatened Stafford Court-House; that quite a large body occupy Warrenton, and that Stonewall Jackson is pushing up the Valley towards Strasburg. Gen. Hunter, in South Carolinas, has peremptorily ordered the staff of Gen. Foster to leave his department and proceed North by the first steamer. He ha
Cumberland Gap (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): article 3
ring and were badly beaten after a brisk skirmish. There is a rumor that Breckenridge is advancing on Lexington with 10 (0) men, but this seemed to be doubted. A correspondent from Frankfort says that a gentleman from Richmond reports that our troops are retreating towards Lexington pursued by doth their numbers. A deserter from Lexington, Ky., dated the 16th says that there is great ... and that there are reports there of of Kentucky by a large force which is to cove through Cumberland Gap; of which the military authorities are not advised but that they are beginning to yield to the popular belief that a formidable invasion from that quarter is not far distant. A transport with forage and provisions has been captured by Morgan's man on Barren river, and it is feared another steamer bound for Bowling Greed would share the same fate. The Alleged French Meddling in Texas--official repudiation of the act. In the Paris Moniteur, of the 10th ult., we find the fol
Kelly's Mill (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 3
if we abandon him, all that we have may be lost. General Yankee News. The New York Herald, in its "Situation" article of the 27th ult., says: The rebels are actively engaged in making raids on the north side of the Rappehannock. It is said that on the night of the 25th the picket guard on the Chantilly road out from Centreville was pounced upon and all but one captured by a hundred rebels after firing two rounds. It also says that on the same night a party crossed at Kelly's mill and threatened Stafford Court-House; that quite a large body occupy Warrenton, and that Stonewall Jackson is pushing up the Valley towards Strasburg. Gen. Hunter, in South Carolinas, has peremptorily ordered the staff of Gen. Foster to leave his department and proceed North by the first steamer. He has also put Gen. Stevenson, of Foster's corps, under arrest for stating in conversation that he objected to the employment of negro troops in the Government service, and that he (Stevens
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (search for this): article 3
erson Davis, in cancelling the order given to M. Tabonelle to leave Virginia within twenty-four hours from the time it had been given, has sufficiently shown that the trifling incident which, in consequence of an entirety accidental circumstance, had awakened the suspicious of a Confederate Senator, did not seem to him to merit serious attention. Mr. Theron, the Consul named at Galveston, has issued the following address "to the French, Spanish and Italian subjects, in the counties of Colorado, Austin, and Fayette:" Dear Friends: Martial law has been declared in your counties, on account of some insurrectionary movements. I hope that note of you have taken part in it. Beware not to join the enemies of your adopted country. As aliens, be neutrals, and your nationality shall be respected. I have fall confidence in Gen. J. B. Magruder. His chivalry and integrity are sufficient protection against any injustice. B. Theron. Consular Agent for France, Vice Consul
Port Royal, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 3
up the Valley towards Strasburg. Gen. Hunter, in South Carolinas, has peremptorily ordered the staff of Gen. Foster to leave his department and proceed North by the first steamer. He has also put Gen. Stevenson, of Foster's corps, under arrest for stating in conversation that he objected to the employment of negro troops in the Government service, and that he (Stevenson) would as soon be beat as employ them as soldiers. Inasmuch as Gen. Foster has been to Washington and returned to Port Royal again it is supposed the difficulties have all been arranged and that matters will soon be all right again. From Kentucky, we learn (the "Herald" says) that the enemy was retreating from that State by way of Mr. Sterling and Hazel Green, and that CeiKinkie with a force of eight hundred men was pursuing them. A subsequent dispatch says the Confederates were overtaken twelve miles from Mt. Storing and were badly beaten after a brisk skirmish. There is a rumor that Breckenridge is
Hazel Green (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): article 3
r arrest for stating in conversation that he objected to the employment of negro troops in the Government service, and that he (Stevenson) would as soon be beat as employ them as soldiers. Inasmuch as Gen. Foster has been to Washington and returned to Port Royal again it is supposed the difficulties have all been arranged and that matters will soon be all right again. From Kentucky, we learn (the "Herald" says) that the enemy was retreating from that State by way of Mr. Sterling and Hazel Green, and that CeiKinkie with a force of eight hundred men was pursuing them. A subsequent dispatch says the Confederates were overtaken twelve miles from Mt. Storing and were badly beaten after a brisk skirmish. There is a rumor that Breckenridge is advancing on Lexington with 10 (0) men, but this seemed to be doubted. A correspondent from Frankfort says that a gentleman from Richmond reports that our troops are retreating towards Lexington pursued by doth their numbers. A deserte
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