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Russia (Russia) (search for this): article 4
"The rumors were quite colour de rose --such as that the Emperor of Russia had written to the Emperor Napoleon, offering to submit to his arbi of the Paris papers should be so energetic in their reprobation of Russia, as well of Prussia, that the official journal itself should contint, that the insurgents arrested near Thorn had not been given up to Russia but sent back across the frontier. The measures taken by the Governd the rumors current concerning the convention between Prussia and Russia are mythical. The Chamber must not form conjectures as to the purp frontiers. The Government has not concluded any stipulations with Russia to which the expressions used by Lord Russell in the House of Lords of the Netherlands, uncle of his Majesty the King of Holland. Russia and Prussia. Frankfort on the Main, Feb. 28.--The Frankfort Journal, of to-day, states that the form of convention between Russia and Prussia, as drawn up at St. Petersburg, has been considered by the Berl
his arbitrament both the question of Poland and the convention of Prussia. Meantime it is as remarkable as strange that the whole of the Pa should be so energetic in their reprobation of Russia, as well of Prussia, that the official journal itself should continue to give correspo no arrests were made. An important debate on the attitude of Prussia had taken place in the Prussian Chamber of Deputies. Herr Von Sybrrection, and the rumors current concerning the convention between Prussia and Russia are mythical. The Chamber must not form conjectures aserlands, uncle of his Majesty the King of Holland. Russia and Prussia. Frankfort on the Main, Feb. 28.--The Frankfort Journal, of to-day, states that the form of convention between Russia and Prussia, as drawn up at St. Petersburg, has been considered by the Berlin Cabinet distinctly defined. The same paper states that the desire of Prussia to have the convention more clearly defined has led to further neg
St. Petersburg (Russia) (search for this): article 4
o; Foreign Affairs, Pasada Herrera; Interior; Canovas; Finance; Salazercia; Justice; Mayans; Marine, Jubala; Public Works Luhan. The Hague. The Hague, Feb. 28.--The Prince of Orange is betrothed to the Princess Marie, daughter of Prince Frederick, of the Netherlands, uncle of his Majesty the King of Holland. Russia and Prussia. Frankfort on the Main, Feb. 28.--The Frankfort Journal, of to-day, states that the form of convention between Russia and Prussia, as drawn up at St. Petersburg, has been considered by the Berlin Cabinet to be of too general a character. The Prussian Government has requested that its bearings should be more distinctly defined. The same paper states that the desire of Prussia to have the convention more clearly defined has led to further negotiations, which are most likely not yet concluded. The markets. London Money Market.--The funds were steady, and but for a temporary pressure for money a rise was considered likely. Consols cl
Chalons (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): article 4
n it, and will stop the preparations which they are making.--The civic authorities, after some negotiations with the Government, carried their point and were to lead the procession. The bulletins from Malta, of Prince Alfred's health, continue satisfactory, and it was intended that the Prince should return to England as soon as he was able, to be present at his brother's wedding. France. Additional petitions in favor of Poland had been presented to the Senate. The Camp at Chalons will be opened on the 25th of April, which is earlier than was expected. The Paris correspondent of the Daily News announces that the French Government has received most embarrassing news from Mexico General Forey despairs of taking Puebla without a much greater army, and calls for large reinforcements. The Bourse had been firmer, and on the 27th rentes closed at 69.65. Italy. The Chamber of Deputies continued to debate the proposed loan. Turin, Feb. 28, 1863.--In th
Madrid (Spain) (search for this): article 4
lleged reason for the resignations is that the decree for the dissolution of the Chambers had not obtained the royal signature. It was rumored that Marshal Narvaez had been summoned to form a new ministry; but nothing certain was known. Madrid was tranquil. A Madrid telegram, of the 27th, says, Marshal Narvaez has lost ground. Public opinion is not favorable to a Cabinet formed under his Presidency. Mm. Mon, Mayans, and General Concha have been summoned to the Palace. Nothing, however, is yet decided upon. Madrid, Feb. 28, 1863. The Marqu's Boreb has been charged with the formation of the new Ministry. Rumors are current that Senors Mon., Mayans and Canavans will enter the Cabinet, but nothing is yet decided. --There is no longer any question of Marshal Narvaez being called upon to form an Administration. The new Ministry is as follows: President of the Council, Minister of War and the Colonies, Lucro; Foreign Affairs, Pasada Herrera; Interior; Canovas
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): article 4
Malta, of Prince Alfred's health, continue satisfactory, and it was intended that the Prince should return to England as soon as he was able, to be present at his brother's wedding. France. Additional petitions in favor of Poland had been presented to the Senate. The Camp at Chalons will be opened on the 25th of April, which is earlier than was expected. The Paris correspondent of the Daily News announces that the French Government has received most embarrassing news from Mexico General Forey despairs of taking Puebla without a much greater army, and calls for large reinforcements. The Bourse had been firmer, and on the 27th rentes closed at 69.65. Italy. The Chamber of Deputies continued to debate the proposed loan. Turin, Feb. 28, 1863.--In the Chamber of Deputies to-day the debate upon the proposed loan was continued. The Minister of Finance gave an explanation of the financial condition of the country. The Chamber has passed the bill authori
Manchester (United Kingdom) (search for this): article 4
Russell. The Government has nothing to retreat.--This will become evident as soon as the text of the treaty shall have been made known. Other speakers followed, and the policy of the Government was vehemently attacked. The Mayor of Liverpool, on the 26th ult., gave a grand banquet, at the Town Hall, to the commanders of the relief ships George Griswold, Achilles, and Hope. The guests numbered about seventy, and included the American Consul at Liverpool, Mr. Dudley, the Mayor of Manchester, Sir William Brown, barts, and most of the leading American merchants in Liverpool. The Mayor of Liverpool, in appropriate terms, proposed a toast to the commanders of the several ships, as representatives of the generous donors of the relief and Captains Lant and Galleghe, made feeling responses. The Mayor also proposed a toast to the "Representa- tive of the United States in Liverpool," and Consul Dudley responded, asserting, in the course of his speech that it was the earnest desire
Copenhagen (Denmark) (search for this): article 4
s, as representatives of the generous donors of the relief and Captains Lant and Galleghe, made feeling responses. The Mayor also proposed a toast to the "Representa- tive of the United States in Liverpool," and Consul Dudley responded, asserting, in the course of his speech that it was the earnest desire of the Government and people of the United States to cultivate the most amicable relations with England.--The banquet went off with great eclat. The Princess Alexandra started from Copenhagen on the 26th of February, on route for London, and an imposing spectacle was presented. Energetic efforts were being made to give the greatest effect to her triumphal passage through London. The civic authorities and the Government officials who direct the proceedings, were at loggerheads as to the part which the former are to play in the ceremony, and it is stated that if the Corporation of London are not permitted to lead the procession, they will not take any part in it, and will stop
Torun (Poland) (search for this): article 4
pointed to inquire into the proposition that the Government should be requested to maintain neutrality in the Polish Insurrection, and disarm fugitives from both belligerent parties entering upon Prussian territory. Herr Von Sybel said that the Government could only choose between lamentable retreat and inconceivable danger. The Chamber should solemnly disavow the policy of the Government. Graff Von Eusonburg stated, in the name of the Government, that the insurgents arrested near Thorn had not been given up to Russia but sent back across the frontier. The measures taken by the Government had contributed to lessen the insurrection. The statement that Prussian troops had entered upon Russian territory, near Golleb, was without foundation. Herr Von Bizmark said that the Government had not been able to state its view, upon this important question. The proposition is sympathetic with the insurrection, and the rumors current concerning the convention between Prussia and
The Hague (Netherlands) (search for this): article 4
stration. The new Ministry is as follows: President of the Council, Minister of War and the Colonies, Lucro; Foreign Affairs, Pasada Herrera; Interior; Canovas; Finance; Salazercia; Justice; Mayans; Marine, Jubala; Public Works Luhan. The Hague. The Hague, Feb. 28.--The Prince of Orange is betrothed to the Princess Marie, daughter of Prince Frederick, of the Netherlands, uncle of his Majesty the King of Holland. Russia and Prussia. Frankfort on the Main, Feb. 28.--The FraThe Hague, Feb. 28.--The Prince of Orange is betrothed to the Princess Marie, daughter of Prince Frederick, of the Netherlands, uncle of his Majesty the King of Holland. Russia and Prussia. Frankfort on the Main, Feb. 28.--The Frankfort Journal, of to-day, states that the form of convention between Russia and Prussia, as drawn up at St. Petersburg, has been considered by the Berlin Cabinet to be of too general a character. The Prussian Government has requested that its bearings should be more distinctly defined. The same paper states that the desire of Prussia to have the convention more clearly defined has led to further negotiations, which are most likely not yet concluded. The markets. London Money Mar
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