Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 16, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Trumbull or search for Trumbull in all documents.

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go of salt, on the 5th, has arrived at New York. American silver is at a discount of 10 per cent, in St. Johns, N. B. A bounty of $50, and a furlough of 30 days, are to be given to every soldier who re-enlists for a year after the expiration of his term of service. An immense Union meeting has just been held in Chicago. Resolutions expressing the strongest and most decided Union sentiments and pledging a united support to the Government in prosecuting the war, were adopted. Trumbull and others made speeches. The Chronicle alluding to the late arrests of certain ringleaders of an oath bound society in Berks county, Pa., says "there is one feature of their widely extended conspiracy against the Government which emphatically proves it dangerous and desperate character;" that is, "to rescue from the officers of the law those who may be arrested in attempting to resist the craft, or in carrying into effect any of the other known designs of the conspirators. The alacri