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Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) 22 0 Browse Search
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April 21st 7 7 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 24, 1863., [Electronic resource].

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... 13 14 15 16 17 18
Mary Johnson (search for this): article 6
Habeas corpus. --The application was submitted to Judge Lyons, of the Hustings Court, sitting in term, yesterday corpus, by Mr. , on behalf of Jackson and Mary Johnson, two of the parties in the street of the city on the 2d inst., wherein was asked for the appearance of the two defendants at the next term of the Court to be for the trail of felony cases. It will be remembered that the parties were examined by the Court of Aldermon and on for trial before the Judge and bail was not allowed. The case was heard on argument and held under advisement.
Harriet Jackson (search for this): article 6
Habeas corpus. --The application was submitted to Judge Lyons, of the Hustings Court, sitting in term, yesterday corpus, by Mr. , on behalf of Jackson and Mary Johnson, two of the parties in the street of the city on the 2d inst., wherein was asked for the appearance of the two defendants at the next term of the Court to be for the trail of felony cases. It will be remembered that the parties were examined by the Court of Aldermon and on for trial before the Judge and bail was not allowed. The case was heard on argument and held under advisement.
April 21st (search for this): article 6
Arrivals from Nassau. Wilmington, April 21. --The steamers Margaret and Jessie and South Carolina, from Nassau, arrived here this morning.
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): article 6
Arrivals from Nassau. Wilmington, April 21. --The steamers Margaret and Jessie and South Carolina, from Nassau, arrived here this morning.
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (search for this): article 6
Arrivals from Nassau. Wilmington, April 21. --The steamers Margaret and Jessie and South Carolina, from Nassau, arrived here this morning. Arrivals from Nassau. Wilmington, April 21. --The steamers Margaret and Jessie and South Carolina, from Nassau, arrived here this morning.
Morris Morton (search for this): article 7
Burglary. --On Wednesday night the store of Morris Morton opposite the Old Market House, was broken upon by burglars who carried off about worth of jewelry and $2,000 worth of ready-made clothing. At an early hour yesterday morning as detective Samuel Perdue was proceeding to his home up 12th sweet, he saw a negro man attempting to pull a trunk from under a house.--On hasting the fellow, to know what he was about, he took to his heels and escaped. On examination the trunk was found to be filled with ready-made clothing, stolen from Nelgon's. It was carried to the cage.
Samuel Perdue (search for this): article 7
Burglary. --On Wednesday night the store of Morris Morton opposite the Old Market House, was broken upon by burglars who carried off about worth of jewelry and $2,000 worth of ready-made clothing. At an early hour yesterday morning as detective Samuel Perdue was proceeding to his home up 12th sweet, he saw a negro man attempting to pull a trunk from under a house.--On hasting the fellow, to know what he was about, he took to his heels and escaped. On examination the trunk was found to be filled with ready-made clothing, stolen from Nelgon's. It was carried to the cage.
George P. Fuell (search for this): article 8
Prisoners arrived. --Eleven Yankee prisoners of war arrived at the Libby yesterday morning. They belonged to company K. 10th New Hampshire regiment, and were captured at Suffolk Va., a few days since. There was not a single native born Yankee in the lots all were foreigners. On Wednesday, Col. George P. Fuell, 58th Indiana, and ten other officers arrived from Knoxville. It is not probable that a flag of truce will go down the river for some time to come. All the Yankee officers here, over 200 in number, are subject to exchange, but are not allowed to be paroled as formerly.
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): article 8
Prisoners arrived. --Eleven Yankee prisoners of war arrived at the Libby yesterday morning. They belonged to company K. 10th New Hampshire regiment, and were captured at Suffolk Va., a few days since. There was not a single native born Yankee in the lots all were foreigners. On Wednesday, Col. George P. Fuell, 58th Indiana, and ten other officers arrived from Knoxville. It is not probable that a flag of truce will go down the river for some time to come. All the Yankee officers here, over 200 in number, are subject to exchange, but are not allowed to be paroled as formerly.
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): article 9
St. Charles Hotel. --This well-known establishment, lately sold at public auction, has been rented to the Georgia Hospital and Relief Association, who intend to use it for the accommodation of Georgia soldiers on furlough who may be passing through Richmond to or from the army. It is the purpose of the Association to clothe comfortably all Georgia soldiers who may stand in need before they are permitted to rejoin their comrades. St. Charles Hotel. --This well-known establishment, lately sold at public auction, has been rented to the Georgia Hospital and Relief Association, who intend to use it for the accommodation of Georgia soldiers on furlough who may be passing through Richmond to or from the army. It is the purpose of the Association to clothe comfortably all Georgia soldiers who may stand in need before they are permitted to rejoin their comrades.
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