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mberton has sent word that he could hold Vicksburg, and Gen. Johnston is to take his time to organize and discipline his forces. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, May 6th. --A special to the Mississippian, from Panola to-day, says the Yankees and Unionists were celebrating the anniversary of the occupation of Memphis yesterday. The Chicago Times, of the 2d, has been received. Grant admits a heavy loss, and has fallen back to the Big Black, where he is awaiting reinforcements from Banks. The Memphis and Charleston Railroad has been stripped of troops. Rosecrans is reinforcing Grant via Louisville. All the steamboats at Louisville and Memphis have been pressed. Four thousand five hundred Confederates had reached Memphis. The officers go to Sandusky, and the men to Indianapolis. Gen. Hulburt has been ordered to prepare hospitals at Memphis for thirty thousand wounded. Grant asks Hurlburt for thirty thousand men, and Hurlburt replied that he did not know where th
r and Register, from Jackson, 8th, says a courier from Vicksburg reports cheeringly.--Our men are fatigued, but in good spirits.--Our loss is a little over 500. Col. Marks, of La., is mortally wounded. Waddell's battery, of Columbus, Ga, lost 12 killed and 23 wounded. Lieut. L. Belamy badly, and Lt. O'Neal slightly, wounded. Nine trains of troops, believed to be from Rosecrans's army, arrived at Memphis Saturday. There is merely a garrison at Memphis. [Fifth Dispatch.] Jackson, June 8. --A scout just in from Vicksburg reports all working well. The men are somewhat wearied from lying in the trenches and exposure to the sun, but are in good spirits. They hailed his arrival with cheers for Joe Johnston, and say that he will make all right. Grant is slowly advancing by building parallels, which are four hundred yards from the outer works. There has been no general assault for ten days past. There is plenty of ammunition and provisions in Vicksburg, and
Pemberton (search for this): article 1
Important news from the West. Vicksburg still Holding out — the troops in good spirits-- Bend Occupied by Gen. Kirby Smith--Grant's supplies cut off, Etc. Jackson, June 6th, (via Mobile, 9th) --General Pemberton has sent word that he could hold Vicksburg, and Gen. Johnston is to take his time to organize and discipline his forces. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, May 6th. --A special to the Mississippian, from Panola to-day, says the Yankees and Unionists were celebrating the anniversary of the occupation of Memphis yesterday. The Chicago Times, of the 2d, has been received. Grant admits a heavy loss, and has fallen back to the Big Black, where he is awaiting reinforcements from Banks. The Memphis and Charleston Railroad has been stripped of troops. Rosecrans is reinforcing Grant via Louisville. All the steamboats at Louisville and Memphis have been pressed. Four thousand five hundred Confederates had reached Memphis. The officers go to Sandus
l Holding out — the troops in good spirits-- Bend Occupied by Gen. Kirby Smith--Grant's supplies cut off, Etc. Jackson, June 6th, (via Mobile, 9th) --Generon of Memphis yesterday. The Chicago Times, of the 2d, has been received. Grant admits a heavy loss, and has fallen back to the Big Black, where he is awaiting and Charleston Railroad has been stripped of troops. Rosecrans is reinforcing Grant via Louisville. All the steamboats at Louisville and Memphis have been pressedt has been ordered to prepare hospitals at Memphis for thirty thousand wounded. Grant asks Hurlburt for thirty thousand men, and Hurlburt replied that he did not knog at Port Hudson, has taken Milliken's Bend, with ten thousand men, and cut off Grant's supplies. It is reported that Jackson's cavalry have cut their way throuarrival with cheers for Joe Johnston, and say that he will make all right. Grant is slowly advancing by building parallels, which are four hundred yards from th
Important news from the West. Vicksburg still Holding out — the troops in good spirits-- Bend Occupied by Gen. Kirby Smith--Grant's supplies cut off, Etc. Jackson, June 6th, (via Mobile, 9th) --General Pemberton has sent word that he could hold Vicksburg, and Gen. Johnston is to take his time to organize and discipline his forces. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, May 6th. --A special to the Mississippian, from Panola to-day, says the Yankees and Unionists were celebrating the anniversary of the occupation of Memphis yesterday. The Chicago Times, of the 2d, has been received. Grant admits a heavy loss, and has fallen back to the Big Black, where he is awaiting reinforcements from Banks. The Memphis and Charleston Railroad has been stripped of troops. Rosecrans is reinforcing Grant via Louisville. All the steamboats at Louisville and Memphis have been pressed. Four thousand five hundred Confederates had reached Memphis. The officers go to Sandus
Important news from the West. Vicksburg still Holding out — the troops in good spirits-- Bend Occupied by Gen. Kirby Smith--Grant's supplies cut off, Etc. Jackson, June 6th, (via Mobile, 9th) --General Pemberton has sent word that he could hold Vicksburg, and Gen. Johnston is to take his time to organize and discipline his forces. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, May 6th. --A special to the Mississippian, from Panola to-day, says the Yankees and Unionists were celebrating the anniversary of the occupation of Memphis yesterday. The Chicago Times, of the 2d, has been received. Grant admits a heavy loss, and has fallen back to the Big Black, where he is awaiting reinforcements from Banks. The Memphis and Charleston Railroad has been stripped of troops. Rosecrans is reinforcing Grant via Louisville. All the steamboats at Louisville and Memphis have been pressed. Four thousand five hundred Confederates had reached Memphis. The officers go to Sandusk
g. Heavy firing is heard from Vicksburg. Grierson is believed to have been driven five miles from Clinton, La. [Fourth Dispatch.] Mobile, June 9. --A special to the Advertiser and Register, from Jackson, 8th, says a courier from Vicksburg reports cheeringly.--Our men are fatigued, but in good spirits.--Our loss is a little over 500. Col. Marks, of La., is mortally wounded. Waddell's battery, of Columbus, Ga, lost 12 killed and 23 wounded. Lieut. L. Belamy badly, and Lt. O'Neal slightly, wounded. Nine trains of troops, believed to be from Rosecrans's army, arrived at Memphis Saturday. There is merely a garrison at Memphis. [Fifth Dispatch.] Jackson, June 8. --A scout just in from Vicksburg reports all working well. The men are somewhat wearied from lying in the trenches and exposure to the sun, but are in good spirits. They hailed his arrival with cheers for Joe Johnston, and say that he will make all right. Grant is slowly advancing by
Joe Johnston (search for this): article 1
Vicksburg still Holding out — the troops in good spirits-- Bend Occupied by Gen. Kirby Smith--Grant's supplies cut off, Etc. Jackson, June 6th, (via Mobile, 9th) --General Pemberton has sent word that he could hold Vicksburg, and Gen. Johnston is to take his time to organize and discipline his forces. [Second Dispatch.] Jackson, May 6th. --A special to the Mississippian, from Panola to-day, says the Yankees and Unionists were celebrating the anniversary of the occupatio Dispatch.] Jackson, June 8. --A scout just in from Vicksburg reports all working well. The men are somewhat wearied from lying in the trenches and exposure to the sun, but are in good spirits. They hailed his arrival with cheers for Joe Johnston, and say that he will make all right. Grant is slowly advancing by building parallels, which are four hundred yards from the outer works. There has been no general assault for ten days past. There is plenty of ammunition and pro
foot up a loss of 50,000. [third Dispatch.] Mobile, June 9. --A special to the Tribune from Jackson, dated the 8th, says there are many rumors, the most reliable of which is that Gen. Kirby Smith. instead of being at Port Hudson, has taken Milliken's Bend, with ten thousand men, and cut off Grant's supplies. It is reported that Jackson's cavalry have cut their way through to Vicksburg. Jackson has evidently done something. Heavy firing is heard from Vicksburg. Grierson is believed to have been driven five miles from Clinton, La. [Fourth Dispatch.] Mobile, June 9. --A special to the Advertiser and Register, from Jackson, 8th, says a courier from Vicksburg reports cheeringly.--Our men are fatigued, but in good spirits.--Our loss is a little over 500. Col. Marks, of La., is mortally wounded. Waddell's battery, of Columbus, Ga, lost 12 killed and 23 wounded. Lieut. L. Belamy badly, and Lt. O'Neal slightly, wounded. Nine trains of troops, be
been pressed. Four thousand five hundred Confederates had reached Memphis. The officers go to Sandusky, and the men to Indianapolis. Gen. Hulburt has been ordered to prepare hospitals at Memphis for thirty thousand wounded. Grant asks Hurlburt for thirty thousand men, and Hurlburt replied that he did not know where they were to come from. Their own figures foot up a loss of 50,000. [third Dispatch.] Mobile, June 9. --A special to the Tribune from Jackson, dated the 8th, Hurlburt replied that he did not know where they were to come from. Their own figures foot up a loss of 50,000. [third Dispatch.] Mobile, June 9. --A special to the Tribune from Jackson, dated the 8th, says there are many rumors, the most reliable of which is that Gen. Kirby Smith. instead of being at Port Hudson, has taken Milliken's Bend, with ten thousand men, and cut off Grant's supplies. It is reported that Jackson's cavalry have cut their way through to Vicksburg. Jackson has evidently done something. Heavy firing is heard from Vicksburg. Grierson is believed to have been driven five miles from Clinton, La. [Fourth Dispatch.] Mobile, June 9. --A special to t
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